Old times chandelier in bronze with functioning light. Press on chandelier for light.
Ideal for all types of home.
Item is copy and should be able to be resized. In case resize do not work contact me.
In case of any problems feel free contact: Crixus Domenici.
I judge my purchases by a few things:
1) is it realistic looking?
2) does it modify without pixelating?
3) is it to scale?
4) does it rez quickly?
5) is it low prim?
6) is it worth the price?
7) does the script work well?
This one is a yes to all questions!
It is a really nice, versatile piece!
Thank you!
Great little chandelier
Easily recommended for quality and land impact
Really nice quality - so much better than those multi plane sculpty things. And excellent price - thank you!
Great value and quality
This is mesh so obviously if you make it bigger it's gonna take a bigger LI. But with how highly customizable this item is, mod, low LI, low price, and beautiful as well, it's really hard to beat this. If you have any knowledge in scripting at all you will be able to make your perfect lamp, I bought this on a whim and it's definitely my favorite just for that.
quite an attractive chandelier
I recommend trying this as it looks gorgeous As others have mentioned, it's quite small, and to get it to 1 LI, you need to keep it to about .6m diameter. This isn't bad, but you'll need to stretch it to at least 10 LI plus to fill a large hall. The texture has an alpha sorting issue, but this is easily fixed by switching the alpha mode to masking. I love that this is copy/mod, so it can be tinted to suit your decor, and looks fabulous with some shine and glow added. It's great value, and worth more than L10.