Now with English tutorial!!
- now supports DST
- including a 2 prim digital clock script and sample
Scripts, sample and textures to build you own analog clock. All script and textures with full permission!!
German tutorial in notecards included.
- German and English Tutorial
You are lucky with this review - 5 stars !
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Spent ages trying to script an analogue clock that wasn't a HUD, just couln't get the hands to rotate properly . It's all here in full perms .. definitely the best L$5 I've spent.
Excellent Scripts
none of the scripts I tried prior to this one seemed to work thanks so much for making this available and so cheap also
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! СУПЕР !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Очень , красиво , интересно , дёшево !!!!!!! Я любуюсь этими часами , они показывают реальное время. Очень легко настроить время !!!!!!! Спасибо большое !!!!!!!