Moorside Outhouse is a simple 2 land impact matching Outhouse to our Moorside Cottage!
It includes just one simple animation and a working door for the rezzed version.
Also included is a version you can wear while standing with a non-functioning door as a dubious costume.
Includes functioning kool-door for RP servers, and materials for extra realism~! ♥
See item in Second Life- Low land impact 100% original mesh and custom textures with shadowing
- Includes functioning kool-door scripted door for easy integration
- One animation included in addition to a wearable costume version
- Includes materials / normals / specularity for the textures
Is okay
Door doesn't open
Good mode for a good price.
I think this outhouse is very well done and sold at a reasonable price. It may be worth noting that while clicking on the door opens it (kind of expected) the door closes automatically after just a few seconds - which may or may not be what you want. Having said this since it is mod you can always unlink, remove the door script and put in a standard script if you feel moved to do so.
Perfect Little Outhouse
And only two prims! I added a roll of toilet paper and some reading material inside and now we're all set.
Very Nice....
It's hard to brag about an outhouse but that's what I'm doing...this is really a nice piece of work. Thank you for providing us with the things that we need to make our SL experience a good thing....Jax.