The toy felt her spring slowly winding down and she was starting to worry. When would her owner come back to wind her? She was terrified of the idea of her clockwork stopping completely - she'd be frozen and blinded! She thought she heard the sound of the door opening but no... ominously the key kept turning with a CLICK CLICK CLICK...
Did you ever imagine being transformed into a wind-up toy? Perhaps you like the idea of being owned by someone who controls whether you can move or not? Maybe an evil scientist kidnapped you and turned you into an automaton?
All these possibilities for clockwork toy roleplay are yours now, using our Doll Key with RLV effects. The key is a simple attachment, and its basic function is that it can be wound, by anyone. The winding is done a quarter turn at a time... touch touch touch... or by winding you to maximum by a spoken command.
If you wind down you'll find you can't move (and with a RLV viewer you will find all goes dark and you are trapped)! But then you can be wound up again and you'll be able to move around.
However, there can be a set of people called "keymasters" who have much more power (it is useful to define yourself as a keymaster to start with). They can take your key and make it impossible for anyone to wind you! Or they can give you your key back. Or they can change various aspects of your operation.
On top of all this, the device has an API (application programmer interface) that allows you to customize it completely. Or you can just use it right "out of the box". No batteries required!
Permissions on the mesh prims are modify/transfer allowing customization of look and feel; the core scripts inside are transfer. The included API scripts and internal settings notecard are full perm. The device as a whole is no-copy and transfer to allow it to be given after programming (to allow transfer from an owner to a doll, for example).
An API script is included that allows the doll to beg others to wind it when wound down, to chant mantras when wound up, and to send someone an IM when logging in in an unwound state. All totally reconfigurable!
Another API script is included to indicate how you would add the feature of gradually compounding RLV restrictions as you wind down - the example shown is a loss of tp capability below 1 turn of winding, and you can just copy the relevant block of code with your favorite series of RLV restrictions.
The device is transfer no copy to allow an owner to customize it and then transfer it to their toy. If you want a copy no transfer version it is available as a separate Marketplace item (see related products below).
Thank you Lyla for being a fabulous doll for the pictures!
Have fun and report problems to
Stone Johnson (musichero)
- windup key with sound effects (tick, wind, ding)
- RLV and button control paralyzes you when key winds down (selectable)
- set "keymasters" to control you, or control yourself
- user API allows you to customize key to your personal requirements
- allows you to experience the life of a wind-up toy!
Nice and well scripted
Really good scripted key, which API allows to do almost everything, if you have basic LSL skills.