Highly Detailed, 100% Mesh, Low Prim & Materials Enabled.
The Drum Kit has been designed to be modular and customizable, so just like the real thing you can set up and configure the kit however you want. It's made up of 10 separate components: Kick Drum, Tom Tom, Tom Tom Mount, Floor Tom, Snare Drum, Hi-Hat, Splash Cymbal, Ride Cymbal, Straight Cymbal Stand, Boom Cymbal Stand. Each part is approximately 1 prim land impact apart from the kick drum which is 3. (The land impact is lowered further when the parts are linked
The kit has some great features including:
1) High detail Mesh construction and texturing.
2) A choice of 11 colors.
3) 36 Animations with Auto change feature.
4) Access Settings – Owner, Group or Public
5) Optional front kick drum skin/cover with choice of black,white or no skin.
6) Inbuilt drum sticks giver
7) Optional Hover text
8) Auto play animations with timing adjustment
9) Avatar height adjustment.
10) Fully menu operated
11) Now With Sound: 10 Drum Loops & Fills Plus moving cymbals with sound
12) Choose from 6 classic texture finishes.
The pack comes with 3 classic drum set ups already done for you.
1) A 3 Piece Jazz Kit (11 Prims)
2) A 5 Piece Classic Rock/Pop Kit (14 Prims)
3) A 9 Piece Heavy Rock Drum Kit with 2 Kick Drums (25 Prim)
PLEASE NOTE: If you do want to make your own kit, you will need to have at least a basic understanding of how to edit prims: stretch, rotate, move, link etc
Just click on the Drum Stool and you will automatically sit and start playing.
A menu will drop down with a choice of 36 animations or you can select the 'Options' menu for further choices.
The animations includes 10 different playing styles at different speeds as well as Tom Tom fills and Snare rolls,
Choose a color from the 11 available: Yellow, Deep Blue, Sky Blue, Brown, Cherry Red, Dark Red, Purple, Pink, Green, Black or White
Choose one of 6 classic finishes for your drums: Sparkle, Oyster, Pearl, Wood, Sunburst and Plain.
The TEXTURE options above changes the entire kits finish including the SNARE drum. However, real kits will quite often have a snare with a metal finish so this option allows you to change the snare only back to a metal finish with a choice of Gold, Copper and Silver finishes.
This will take you to the drum loops sounds menu - You get a choice of 7 Drum loops & 3 Fills plus you can now get cymbal sounds and crashes by clicking on them . each cymbal has a different crash and they now also move too! Just left click on any cymbal.
Choose if you want the kick drum skin on the front of the kit to be Black, White or you can remove it altogether by pressing ‘None’
Press this and the kit will give you your drum sticks – accept them into your inventory and from there you can choose ‘Wear’ to attach them to your hands.
From the options menu you can set the drums so it can only be used by Owner, Group or Public. Just change to which ever you want. (The default setting is Owner)
This makes the animations randomly change for you.
You can adjust the time it takes to change to the next animation in Auto Mode by selecting the 'Timing' button with a choice from 5 to 60 seconds..
If your avatar is to high/low you can adjust this by selecting the 'Height' button from the options menu.
You can adjust if you want the 'Play Drums' hovertext on or off
EXTRAS - I’ve also include a few little extras in the pack which I thought might be useful to you.
For those of you who don’t play the drums in the real world, you might not be aware that drummers often put down a carpet under their kits to help stop it sliding about when they are giving their kit a good thrashing. So I’ve included a classic old Turkish style rug for this purpose.
Mesh stage designed to raise up the kit so everyone can see you!
If you do make your own kit a few things to consider:
1) The Color, texture and Front Skin options in the menu will only work if the kit is linked
2) if you do link the kit always make sure that the drum stool is the root prim.
3) The drums color/texture section is of course a separate face with grey scale texturing so if you select that face you can change the color and texture to whatever you want. The Kit is copyable so feel free to play around with the color/texture and if you mess things up you can always rez a new one.
Thanks again for your interest and if you wish to view this item inworld, please use the teleport link below.
See item in Second Life- Mesh Drum Kit Set
- Modular Drum Kit
- Drum Set
- Drums Drums Drums
love it
i love it got it to work
Again, (this is my third musical instrument by GCD), I was surprised and delighted with the high quality of the product. Every single detail was taken care of with efficiency, skill and good taste, to satisfy and favor the buyer who, like myself, turns into a customer.
just great!
If you are looking for an optional and modifiable battery for your interest and taste, that maintains quality and price at the same time, stop looking, get this, it looks great in my gothic club and very optional and an extensive menu easy to handle, really delighted to have obtained this and highly recommended. n_n
It's just ok
Excellent drum build. But in foot pad to manage the audio is a pain and not appealing.
RP friendly! Great details and animations!
This drumset was purchased for an RP sim with a sound effects rule (and we wanted to play our own music in the roleplay anyway). This was awesome to have, and came with neat props.
Great kit at any price! So versatile and the animations rock!! You will NOT be disappointed!!!