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Dungeon Quest Simulation HUD for Tiny Empires Version 1.0

Dungeon Quest Simulation HUD for Tiny Empires

Your adventure begins in the Antechamber. Three paths lie before you. One, ostensibly, leads to treasure; one to a dead end; and one simply continues on. Choose wisely...


Prepare yourself for adventure in dungeons deep. The Dungeon Quest presents a rare and unique opportunity to gain gold, gold bars, acres, potions, or even get your name on the Tiny Empires HUD; but because it's rare and involves a lot of decisions it can be confusing.

With this trainer you'll be able to experience the Dungeon Quest without having to wait for the Abbot, Alchemist, or Fortune Teller. It gives you the experience you need to master the real thing.

Though this Dungeon Quest Trainer was developed to help people play Tiny Empires better, it can still be a fun experience even if you don't already play Tiny Empires.


Your purchase provides you with a personal, non-graphic version of a Dungeon Quest Simulator. (The immersive graphic version is located at the Glade of Gryffindor. See the "See item in Second Life" below for a landmark.)

You may wear it as a HUD (default), rezz it inworld, or attach it to yourself. You can modify the container and any of the data files, but not the script.

This Dungeon Quest Trainer was approved by Ultralite Soleil, creator of Tiny Empires, but is not associated with him nor an official part of TE. Instead, it was developed by Quindry, of Spirit; Immy, of Acherusia; and Phaedrus, of Gryffindor to help learn the ins and outs of the Tiny Empires Dungeon Quest.

Finally, if you use an application to help you in the Dungeon Quest, please do not use one that automatically reports its results, as these are not official. (Personally I recommend the "Gryffindor Guide" or the "Dungeon Quest Texture," both available at the front of Glade of Gryffindor.)

See item in Second Life
  • Practice the Dungeon Quest in Tiny Empires