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Easy Texture Changer

Easy Texture Changer

Sell your products with multiple textures and colors the easy way.

Easier and faster than scripting a menu yourself. Simply add the texture uuid’s and or colors to the notecard and your done.

- You may use these scripts with your creations and sell these creations.
- The script needs to be made either no copy or no transfer.
- It is not permitted to resell or distribute the scripts themselves.

- Easy Setup true notecard
- Automatically creates a menu with up to 12 buttons
- Customizable menu text and timeout
- Set menu access to owner, group or everyone
- Supports llMessageLinked to open the menu from a other script
- Supports textures, colors, single and multi prim objects
- Change the texture/color of 1 face (side) or all faces at ones
- Supports multiple Easy Texture Changers in the same object (for example: different menu’s for different part of your object)
- Works with all full permission textures
- Random channel to operate a near unlimited amount of the same items side by side
- Textures individual sides or all sides of the prims at once
- Includes Easy Show Linknumbers Script (simple put it in a object to show the link numbers or each prim)
- Lowest lag possible! (just one script for the whole object with listener time out)


NEED MORE? check out the PRO version in related items.

See item in Second Life
  • Easy Setup true notecard
  • Automatically creates a menu with up to 12 buttons
  • Set menu access to owner, group or everyone
  • Supports llMessageLinked to open the menu from a other script
  • Supports textures, colors, single and multi prim objects
Average rating: full star full star full star full star empty star
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A must have for builder !
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 06, 2012 by Fiona Scorfield

This is one of the most useful scripts in SL for builder !
I use them in almost all my buildings, easy and fast to set up and it works perfect !
All i can say is, i LOVE this script !

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