- E C H E L O N -
Contents of crate:
| Melee Weapon / throwing knife
Note from the developer:
| The Shinobi Kunai is an Echelon first in ninja specific gear. This weapon comes as both a melee weapon, and throwing weapon. Tap C to slice at your enemies up close and use the included gesture to throw 3 at a time with a slight recharge per thrown. Comes with a hip accessory and the kunai are recolor-able.
| Unpack
| Attach
| Tap C to slash with the kunai
| Use included gesture to throw the kunai
| Believe it!
| Grave
// End]
Works and is pretty
The animations feel snappy and responsive and it looks good!
not work totaly
sadly the throw animation dont work ( and also we cant modify the mapping for it ), and the kunai in the hand dont have bento anime to grab this is a little sad, the texture is corect but other weapon anim are better for the price ( and without bug )