G Général

Emma's Egyptian Fountain

Emma's Egyptian Fountain

Very pretty fountain for an outdoor or indoor setting. Beautiful water animation and subtle sound creates a sense of relaxation and peace.

The fountain is just 3 exquisitely tortured, textured and animated prims (3LI) - so you don't have to sacrifice precious prims for beauty. You can modify this item, although it will appear as no modify in your inventory (that's just because of the scripts in prim contents).

If you would like to see the fountain, please visit the store - and you're also welcome to see my other items there as well.

Emma :)

P.S. And I would love your review ... please :)

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • 3 LI / prim fountain, carefully textured
  • nice water animation & sound
  • approx. 3.4 x 3.4 m
  • copy and modify permissions, no transfer
  • (scripts, animation and sound are copy only)
Note moyenne : étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine
  • 5 étoile :
  • 4 étoile :
  • 3 étoile :
  • 2 étoile :
  • 1 étoile :
Great value for money!
étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine Publié le 11/10/2020 de Satiah Mysterious

A wonderful fountain at an amazingly low land impact, easy to modify, and with copy rights - just don't link it to other prims or the land impact will explode! A no-brainer at this price.

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