G General

Exploding dead horse - track hazard

Exploding dead horse - track hazard

You will receive four items. Two are ordinary, garden variety, harmless dead horses. One is on fire. One is not. The other two items will explode on impact with a vehicle or a weapon, and sometimes even a person. One is a burning dead horse. One is just a dead horse.

After exploding the horse will announce who has killed them in local chat. A short while after exploding the horse will reappear.

You may drag and copy the happy horses as you please, but you must rez each copy of the cranky horse individually as they consider where they rez as their home spot and will return there no matter where you try to place them unless you reset their scripts. So, place the cranky horse where you want it to be, reset the scripts, and then touch the horse. This will enable you to set the roaming distance. For horses on a track I tend to set it at 2m which keeps them on the same spot. Once you have set their roaming distance touch them again to select 'start' and off you go!

The non-exploding horse are two prim. The exploding horses are two prims.

Have fun!

See item in Second Life