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[FYI] Mesh Beach Pier Dock Builder's Kit

[FYI] Mesh Beach Pier Dock Builder's Kit

Build docks and piers for your beach. #FYIBeachKit.

Several pieces with custom textures designed to let you make your own docks and piers. You can make walkways as well. Includes stairs, ramps, walkways, pieces for making platforms, and a big 16x16m dock platform.

Compatible with other #FYIBeachKit products to give your beach a high quality, unified appearance.

Ramps and platform pieces are 1-2 land impact, large stairs 4-9, small stairs 2-4, prefab platform 16, everything else: 1

See item in Second Life
  • mesh dock or pier
  • several builder's kit pieces
  • #FYIBeachKit