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Flux Capacitor Rail Gun

Flux Capacitor Rail Gun
Flux Capacitor Rail Gun
22 Reviews

looking for some thing a little different tired of shooting the same old peas that have a limited effect. This new weapon will blow your socks off and blow the socks off any one thats watching while you fire it. The combination of super cool sounds and particles makes this weapon stand out among the rest With the adaption of havok4 it has made it possible to have more amazing explosion effects.

This weapon is based on the idea that if can accelerate enough energy in one direct path you can create a very powerful electrically charged explosive projectile.


holster and Unholster.
Glowing muzzle flash with electrically charged smoke particles.
Custom made animations for standing / aiming / recoil.
Custom sound effects.
Glowing Blue smoky laser pointer
Digital LCD infrared Scope.
Realistic charging delay and lights.
Control HUD

Firing will result in an overwhelming sense of satisfaction

4 different electrically charged explosive rounds Push or damage up to 4 people at once. One of these is a training explosive round so you can demonstrate this amazing effect with out blowing you and your friends to bits

New added Explosive Impulse : push in no push parcels. Also has shock wave effect on small physical objects

Training: Simple but still grate looking and maybe used in role play sims to effect life systems.
Disable: Shoot scripted physical vechiles with this round to give an electrical disabling effect.
AV SHOCK: will electrocute your target for 1 minute easily escapable not intended as any type of greifering attack
Smart push: Updated smart push just for this weapon will push your target in the direction of bullet travel also this will go though %100 of all shields and intersepters known in second life. Will not effect in parcels where push has been restricted or people sitting on NPV's.

Smart push may also be used in damage enabled parcels or sims %100 damage.

Free life time updates: grate for when LL changes some thing that effects the way weapons work with this Feature you are guarantied a fully functional weapon for life and entitled to new add ons and features that maybe added in the future. "Click the gun to check for updates"

Beyond buying this weapon i can only trust you will be responsible. I will not be held accountable for any one using this weapon to effect others Second life experience.

Just remember "With grate power comes grate responsibility"

See item in Second Life
  • holster and Unholster
  • smoke particles
  • Glowing muzzle flash
  • recoil
  • Control HUD
Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
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  • 1 star:
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted August 06, 2010 by PhilTTS Lamplight

Cool gun but does nothing to Zombies?

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full star full star full star full star empty star Posted April 13, 2009 by Xena Losangeles

Hmmm I wasn't so sure at first... seemed a tad steep, plus it seemed slow... but that was just SL playing laggy.

Lots of options, plenty of choice on ammo, and it's a BIG freakin' gun.

Yes, I like it... I think I do... can't wait to use it in anger on some griefer ;)

Leaves a lovely trail of blue particles. Anyone who played the DOS Doom with the plasma rifle will get all nostalgic!

Yep, I'll award four stars out of five. Big freaking gun... pretty damn cool. Buy it!

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L$ 1,400

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hoohaa Anaconda
hoohaa Anaconda

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

  • Copy
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  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Land Impact: 0