Gaagii - Android TM 4000 ( Remote Controlled Robot )

Thank you for your interest in the Android TM 4000 robot. This product is loads of fun !
Created : September 2017
Status : Popular
Sold : 290
This package contains a number of types unique to SL.
Descriptions can be found below. We hope you
will enjoy this product and wish you good luck with it.
1) Remote Controlled Android TM Ground Robot (Small & Large)
2) Remote Controlled Android TM Air Robot VBOT (Large)
3) Avatar Android TM (includes Invisibility cloak for body)
4) A.L.V.I.N. Shoulder Pet (Chat bot ) >> WEAR <<
5) User Manual (Advanced) Inside Box
Capabilities: ROBOT Android TM 4000 RC small & large
(rez on groud)
Ability to be remote controlled by clicking on the robot -
Clicking the Android TM 4000 with the left mouse button
will give you access to a menu to determine the
permissions concerning the control of your keyboard
Click: YES for the activation movement override -
This will shift controls to the Android TM 4000, but your avatar
can still move by clicking the ground for directions.
Click: NO for the deactivation movement and regain avatar movements.
The movements of the Robot are done with the
arrows on your keyboard.
* Built in avatar sit ejector * Surely you would not
want anyone to go sit on your Android robot and
joy ride on it. When anyone tries to sit on it they
will be ejected immediately and catapulted away.
Our advise is to use this in an enclosed area !
Ability to listen in on public conversations at 10 meters radius (3.5 feet)
from the Android TM 4000. Maximum capacity 20meters (65.5 feet)
distance between avatars. This will give you a much bigger
reach of listening than normal. The Android TM can be activated
and put into place by remote control.
Say: " bye " activates the spy microphone
Say: " hi " deactivates the spy microphone
( meant not to draw attention to the fact that a microphone
is being activated - non of the information about the gadgets
data is shown in public - only visible by you, being the owner)
Ability to naturally move slighty to the sides, when idle.
Nice look as decorative toy.
Capabilities: Android TM 4000 Avatar (wear)
1) Ability for you to replace your own avatar with this
Android body shape ( includes invisiblity alpha to hide you )
Capabilities: VBOT Android TM 4000 RC Large
(rez on groud)
1) REMOTE CONTROL ( Air Robot - Flying Tech)
Ability to be remote controlled by wearing the VBOT ((HUD))
When rezzed on the ground the VBOT does not yet respond
untill you wear the HUD as an attachment, which will automatically
activate the connection to your avatar. You will be able to view everything
Capabilities: Android TM 4000 Shoulder Pet (wear)
1) This is A.L.V.I.N. (Chat bot ) >> WEAR THIS <<
This awesome Shoulder pet it is " Your talking buddy "
and can help with certain tasks.
With an advanced Artificial Intelligence, it is able
to have great conversations with you or your
friends when you are wearing it. Just click on it
with your mouse to activate it.
It includes command recognition : Just say:
open google, open gmail, open facebook,
open SLclock, open SLgrid, open SL, open help
and many others.
Nice to have as a cute robot pet hovering above your
shoulder, which has slight rotating movement to the sides.
You can use a special commands to let Alvin
open up a ranch of websites URL`s for you.
For example: open google or open facebook.
This is being updated almost dayly now,
so you can see the current commands at:
The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work
created and shared by Google and used according to terms
described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License.
- 1) Remote Controlled Android TM Ground Robot (Small & Large)
- 2) Remote Controlled Android TM Air Robot VBOT (Large)
- 3) Avatar Android TM (includes Invisibility cloak for body)
- 4) A.L.V.I.N. Shoulder Pet (Chat bot ) >> WEAR <<
- 5) User Manual (Advanced) Inside Box