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Gaagii - Cyborg RCX 2110 - Remote Controlled +

Gaagii - Cyborg RCX 2110 - Remote Controlled +

Welcome to Gaagii Creations.
Thank you for your interest in this item.

The Cyborg RCX 2110 PET is comes in two variaties :
Permanent and Auto delete after 2 hours.

When you rez and touch the pet, you will get a menu:
Help - Stay here - Wander - Follow me

When the Cyborg RCX 2110 is following you it will even
do so when you are in the air, but the pet stay on
the ground when doing so.

Activation : Touch to enable or disable
1) AI Chatbot Artificial Intelligence
Just ask anything and he will respond.
Typ in public: open alvin, and get helpful advice of what your options are

2) Automatic Control (Cyborg does its own thing)
Touch> MENU> Stay here/ Wander/ Follow

3) Remote Control function
Accept request when you are sure you can see the cyborg also from a distance,
because it overrules your avatar controles unless you click 1 again and break
the link by saying NO to the connection request.
Note: touch on the ground just infront/arround the
feet to activate (use: CTRL+ALT+T)

This cyborg does not need to be fed nor does it cost
you extra additional lindens to maintain.
It is copy only, so you will never lose it !

You can place as many as you want and touch
them seperately for all of them to follow you.
Note: you do have to place them all directly from
inventory for a realistic positioning as they will
have their own spot than. legs do not move

Please note that you do have to assure that when
chosing Wander it has to be in an enclosed area
to prevent it from wandering off somewhere :)

- Gaagii - Cyborg RCX 2110
- Gaagii - Cyborg RCX 2110 (2hr auto delete)
- Manual for Cyborg RCX 2110

  • Gaagii - Cyborg RCX 2110
  • Gaagii - Cyborg RCX 2110 (2hr auto delet)
  • Manual for Cyborg RCX 2110