Gaagii - Tesla Teleporter System
Welcome to Gaagii Creations*
This futuristic teleport system works on a Landmark.
A great new age technology for your enjoyment !
Sim Technology to help you out to reach great heights.
Get around your land with a modern space age
designed teleportation system.
Created: 2017
Status : Medium Popular
Sold : 92
Low prim Count ! 1 and 2 Prims * * *
The Tesla Teleporter is Copy and Modify except
the script inside.
You can drag in a specific landmark from your
inventory and is active right away (into contents)
Further more, we are sure you will like this product.
-Gaagii - Tesla Teleporter System (Basic)
-Gaagii - Tesla Teleporter System (GlowX)
- Gaagii - Tesla Teleporter System (Basic)
- Gaagii - Tesla Teleporter System (GlowX)
So easy to use! Incredible price! Looks amazing! Thanks!