A very girlish beach house made of white wood with pink roof and tropical wooden planks outside and shutters. Shutters can be closed by touching, each separate. Doors are lockable (owner, group, all, friends list) and can be latched or close automatically. Please see instruction in the sales box how to enter the door menu. One room with a room divider for bedroom etc.
The roof is set to convex hull that means it is not walkable because it is a cube – you can edit linked parts and change pyhsics to none, then it is phantom or if you need a walkable roof please set it to prim but Li will increase then! Also you can stretch the stilts if your land is uneven or you want to put it into water.
Size: 14 x 20.5 m
38 Li
plus 8 potted plants, each 2 Li
copy, modify, no transfer (scripts no modify)
Please rez the building in my store before purchase. For the images here I used windlight settings, it is up to you how you will see the building inworld. my store and have a look at it.
Pictures taken with AnaLutetia default windlight setting, shadows enabled.
Very pretty :)
Cute little Beach home love it! <3
Very pretty
definitely a girl's house, very cute <3