G General

Group Notice Sender Version 1.3

Group Notice Sender

General Description
The Group Notice Sender enables the owner to send Group Notices and an optional inventory attachment to multiple Second Life Groups. It does this by communicating with "Corrade" running on your Windows PC via your bot, which can be one of your alts or any avatar for which you have login rights. In order to send Group Notices, the bot/alt must belong to the group and have notice send rights.

The Group Notice subject, message text and optional attachment are specified on the "Group Notice" notecard, as well as the group(s) to which you want the notice sent. You can send to any number of groups as long as your bot is a member of each group and has the Send Notices ability.

The Group Notice notecard can optionally include a scheduled send date and time and the number of days after which to repeat sending the notice. The repeat feature is helpful where the notice is about a recurring event. You must make sure your bot is online via Corrade prior to the scheduled send date and time. You do not need to have your primary avatar logged in.

The Group Notice Sender also includes the capability to teleport your bot home, or to the location of the Group Notice Sender, or to any other location you specify via the Settings menu.

The Group Notice Sender will send status messages to the owner's private chat as it is sending notices, as well as error messages if sending fails. If the owner is in a different region (or offline with IM forwarding set) the status messages will be sent via IM to ensure delivery.

What is Corrade and why do I need it?
Corrade is a free Windows program licensed by Wizardry and Steamworks.
See https://grimore.org/secondlife/scripted_agents/corrade
LSL scripts cannot perform SL Group functions directly. You must therefore download and install Corrade on your PC and configure it for you bot(s) in order to use the Group Notice Sender. The above website has information on how to download, install and configure Corrade. In addition, I have included detailed notecards with step-by-step instructions to augment and clarify the process. Feel free to IM Fred Allandale if you need help.

Scripted Agent Registration
Linden Labs requires bot's to be registered as a scripted agent. If you are going to be using your alt's account primarily as a bot, you should register your bot as follows:
1. Login to the bot's account on the SL website.
2. Open the "Account" window and click "Scripted Agent Status".
3, Click "Change" and "Yes" to indicate the account is a scripted agent or Bot.
4. Click "Save changes".

Group Notice Limits
Linden Labs bot policy prohibits using bots to send more than 5000 message per day. It is up to the owner of the Group Notice Sender to monitor the number of daily messages they are sending to ensure compliance with this policy. For details, see https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Bot_policy.

Group Notice Sender object: Mod, copy, no-transfer
Scripts: No-mod, copy, no-transfer
Notecards: Full perm

See item in Second Life
  • Send notices to multiple Second Life groups
  • Send manually or at a scheduled date and time
  • Uses your alts/bots to send
  • Corrade PC software (free) is required
  • Includes deetailed setup instructions