Ironsight Armaments AA-12
Mesh Automatic Shotgun
Includes Semi-Auto Only Version
Superior Quality.
Unrivaled Performance.
Unsurpassed Reliability.
Unequaled Value.
Ironsight Armaments
Model & Textures - BadPanda
Scripting - Tsume Xiao
Sounds - Tsume Xiao
Animations - Mark Karlfeldt
This weapon has free updates for life.
Contact Tsume Xiao with any questions.
---Feature Description---
1. Colors
-Black: Standard matte black finish.
-Tan: Sand-based tan finish
-Olive: Olive drab finish
-ACU: Multi-purpose digital pattern
-Desert: Modernized desert pattern
-Red Digital: Black, gray, and red digital pattern
-Tiger: Tiger-striped pattern
-White: Solid white finish
-Fabulous: Just... Don't ask.
-Pimpin: Purple and gold.
-20% Cooler: It's all in the name.
-Now with Brony Edition. Adds 10 new skins in response to customer requests created by the "20% Cooler" skin.
2. Drum Transparency
3. Ammunition
The AA-12 features five types of ammunition
While the five types serve different purposes, they all share a common low-lag, bare-bones script at the core.
-00 Buck: Standard damage buckshot
-Slug: A large single bullet for more precise shots
-00 Rubber: Less-than-lethal alternative to standard buckshot (10% Damage)
-Beanbag: Less-than-lethal alternative to slugs. (25% Damage)
-Party Time: Turns the AA-12 into a lethal 12-gauge party cannon.
4. Spread
The AA-12 utilizes a dynamic conical spread system to enhance the realistic feel of the shotgun.
-Full: The tightest spread giving the shot the greatest reach. A good all around choice.
-Modified: A mid-level spread. Good for tighter urban combat.
-Cylinder: The widest spread. Pellets disperse quickly, making this unsurpassed for CQB and room clearing.
Slugs and Beanbags are not affected by the spread setting, and always have greatly increased range.
5. Visual Effects
-Animations: The specially designed animation system allows you to use your choice of AO with the shotgun.
The system works to prevent standard AO's from over-riding the shotgun's animations.
-The system can be disabled.
-Particles: The AA-12 features custom particles for muzzle effects and spent casing ejection.
-All particles may be disabled.
6. Control & Performance
-Combination Keys
-W+S or Up + Down: Reloads the weapon.
-A+D or Left + Right:Performs a melee attack.
-These can be disabled.
Upon pressing "C" or "Page Down" the AA-12 will change between standing and crouching postures.
This feature can be disabled
-Velocity Adjustment
Bullet velocity may be adjusted between 10m/s and 250m/s to fit your needs.
Suggested Velocity varies depending on use. The default setting is a general purpose velocity.
-Realistic Spread System
The AA-12 is a shotgun. It is geared predominantly towards closer range combat within 75m.
Outside of Linden Damage combat areas, the bullet will still function as normal.
The bullet is compatible with all collision-based combat systems (DCS2, CCS, etc).
The bullet was redesigned to take advantage of the new material property settings.
The bullet is low lag. That is the only bullet type that has/will ever be made by Ironsight Armaments.
---Release Notes---
-Fixed issue with weapon belching out buckshot upon attachment
-Fixed Issue with 20% Cooler mode not showing on slung version
-Added "Brony Edition". This adds 10 additional colors and other special features.
- Extraordinarily Detailed Mesh Model
- Eleven Optional Colors
- Five Bullet Types
- Three Spread Options
- Custom Animation w/ Partial AO System
Great gun, but improvements on animations would make this perfect.
All the features are fantastic and the gun performs admirably, but holding it with an average sized avatar makes it look very silly where it sticks your left arm though the centre of the weapon. Reasonably this was built with someone using a large male skeleton, if it was improved for other sizes IA would get a lot more sales from me, as i genuinely like the guns but for RP when something doesn't look right in your hands it can be quite a disappointment.
Great gun - greater customer service!
The gun itself:
Perfect. Great mesh model, great textures, realistic animations (no clipping at all for me, and that's rare with guns) and awesome scripting too.
The customer service:
I had a super tiny request to be able to adjust or tint a part of the model, and figured I'd ask and hope for the best.
What I got was Tsume IMing me, asking me exactly what I wanted, being responsive and ensuring he got it all exactly right and then giving me an entirely new copy of the gun with the texture changes I'd asked for.
The gun was great on its own, but the experience asking about a tiny thing puts this up there with something I can't recommend enough!
Its a really nice build and a very interesting weapon, though the fact that its no mod, not only to personalize it as well as size it makes it a bit harder to work with when using smaller avatars. Hoping there will be a sizing feature in the future but other than that, the item is very well put together
My first weapon from Tsume guy man.
Bought this over 2 years ago. Is a pretty awesome gun guys! The animations are sweet, the sounds are spot on, the bullets are on point. So many skins, so much work put in to such an iconic shotgun. 10/10 would Russia again.
True Bang for you Linden Buck
When shopping for high value and low cost weapons in the SL market, a customer can be overwhelmed with crude and misleading advertisements and false statements to a weapons capability in the combat world that we all enjoy and share amongst ourselves.
This AA-12, in this review, is not used often by me in combat to be honest. But to compare to other products at cheaper prices and selling more gimmick features to unknowledgeable consumers, this shotgun totally obliterates in terms of reliability and simplicity coupled with an attractive model and various opportunity for customization.
When in sims that prohibit the use of fully automatic shotguns, this weapon can be used.* The Semi-auto only variant is exactly what it appears to be, and functions just the same.
For those that are stuck deciding between this or the Titan Industries AA-12, I shall shed some light. They are both scripted by Mr. Xiao and function similarly. Though you might come under some flak if you use one of the ammunition choices in the TI AA-12. The models are also different, the ISA AA-12 is a Mesh model, and the TI AA-12 is a Sculpted model. Both are outstanding weapons to use and I highly suggest both. If you want some extra looks though, give this AA-12 a shot. No pun intended.
*Some sims totally prohibit use of weapons that appear to function as fully automatic shotguns. Please read all sim rules and contact their respective owners with questions about if this shotgun, in any iteration, is allowed or not. I am not liable for illicit use in sims that prohibit such weapons.
Point. Click. Fun.
Honestly.. It's an AA-12, it's a fully automatic shotgun, what more could you want for intimidation? The new ISA mesh lineup is going fantstic so far and this addition lives up to expectations. The diffrenet choices for the choke allowing a varying level of spread is a genius addition that most people would overlook. The wide array of ammo options, from Buckshot to Beanbags, offers complete versatility in combat as well as a multitude of scenarios. The large amount of color schemes is astounding but not in the least bit suprising as seen from past products. Then of course you get the little fun extras that pop up every now and then, like the party ammunition and the specialty paint schemes. (20% cooler? Seriously? ... *Brohoof*) All in all if you want a a shotgun that looks fantastic, looks deadly, IS deadly, or if you aren't sure whether you want a rifle instead, you should definitley consider this weapon.
To sum it up:
- Well constructed
- Intimidating
- Powerful
- Versatile
- Customizable
- Damn fun (yes thats a completley valid reason)
Keep up the great work Tsume, can't wait to see whats next.