The MD Helicopters MD 500 series is an American family of light utility civilian and military helicopters. The MD 500 was developed from the Hughes 500, a civilian version of the US Army's OH-6A Cayuse/Loach.
50 Prims / 55 Li
Modifiable Helicopter!
Prims and Textures modifiable, scripts are not.
Textures included
This package Contains:
MD500E = Fully Scripted Aircraft
MD500E DISPLAY = Display version without scripts
MD500E Textures
cargo cable script (everyone)
cargo cable script (owner)
Model & Textures created by Sylvira (sylviramaus) Owner of .: Virtual SYL Design :.
Scripts, sounds, animations by Tig Spijkers
Flight Controls:
Pilot sits unlike most helicopter on the left!
Page Up increases Collective, above 50% ascending
Page Down decreases Collective, below 50% decends
At 50% collective the helicopter has a automated passive altitude control (governor) prohibiting the helicopter to loose to much altitude during maneuvers.
Using the p in chat command or Hold Altitude or P on the HUD it will actively hold your altitude at the height activated.
Arrows left and right will make the aircraft turn at 0% - 10% cyclic, or turn and bank when cyclic is 15% or higher.
Arrows shift left and right will make the aircraft strafe left and right at 0% cyclic or turn and bank when cyclic is above or below 0%.
Arrows Forward and Reverse will increase or decrease cyclic, making the aircraft fly faster forward or revers.
Mouselook Steering
Mouselook steering can be activated with the m command or on the HUD pressing Mouse Steer or M.
Deactivated you can fly in mouselook using the normal keyboard controls as described above.
When activated and when in mouselook the vehicle will try to turn such that it points in the same direction as your camera.
Arrows left and right will make the aircraft strafe.
When out of mouselook the aircraft can be controlled with your keyboard normally as explained above.
Cargo Hook System
There are two scripts in the package 'cargo cable script (everyone)' & 'cargo cable script (owner)'.
Add one of these scripts to the object you want to lift.
'cargo cable script (owner)' will only allow the object owner to lift it 'cargo cable script (everyone)' will allow anyone to lift the cargo.
Beware, when the script is added to vehicles this can cause undesirable effects and should be deleted after lifting.
To lift objects, hover approx. 10 meters above the object and say 'hook' in the chat or press the Cargo Hook button on your HUD.
s - start/stop the aircraft
l - switches lights On/Off
p - switches hold current altitude switches
m - switches Mouselook Steering On/Off
h - switches Hovermode On/Off
fs - FlySafe, makes the aircraft phantom and able to fly through skyboxes
sl - switches search lights On/Off
floats - activates/deactivates the Emergency Floatation System *
hook - toggles the cargo hook system to connect to the cargo
copilot - switches flight controls to the copilot
pilot - switches flight controls back to the pilot
guest - switches guest mode On/Off
group - switches group mode On/Off
lock/unlock - locks or unlocks the passenger and copilot seat.
eject - ejects all passengers
chat - switches chat whisper On/Off
help - gives you this note card
hud - gives you a HUD
display on/off - switches the rear visible text display on or off
* EFS activates automatically when hitting the water
c - switches dynamic camera on/off.
c1 - view from tail
c2 - view from inside the cabin
c3 - view from above
c4 - locks your cam into place.
VICE & TCS Weapons Systems:
vice on/ - activates VICE
tcs on/ - activates TCS
(requires you to add the VICE Sensor script)
fuel - switches on the fuel system On/Off
refuel - will refuel your aircraft.
See item in Second Life- Sits 4 Avatars
- Textures included
just bought this because i wanted a nice little Helicopter for having some fun.I expected not such a great fun that comes with the heli for free :)
This thing is so easy to handle and also the HUD is very easy to understand.I made a few flights so far and even when the boarders of the sims are the most difficult thing that Heli flys all the way thru.
Such a great work and very detailed.I would recommend that heli for everyone that wants to have a nice little helicopter for a very reasonable price :)
Great little chopper!
THANK YOU for keeping this copter MODIFY.
Very easy to fly and fun fun fun. The only reason i gave it 4 stars is because though it does come with textures, theres no maps for them so it really makes customization difficult. The HUD also seems to have a problem with the textures going black on the buttons because they weren't set to Alpha Masking. Other than those 2 little issues it really is an A+ machine.
What an amazing aircraft!
I've never been in a helicopter before, but this "feels" really nice! It's very detailed, and has a great hud! Thanks! =)
Nimble, lightweight (specially on scripts) even before cloud servers this helicopter could sim cross for hours without a problem, perfect for exploration even if (or specially) you have a few friends with you, get enough practice with it and you can move around with silky smooth actions, always easy to impress people with.
nothing works
nothing works. The hud is so small i can hardly see the words. The camera doesnt work. Cant lift it up the air. Yet i saw raving results from other review. So is it just me? i bought another at half the price and it works.
I received this as a gift from my partner and it is literally the perfect starter helicopter. I am totally in love with mine and truly enjoy flying all over the place with it! Thank you so much for creating this sweet beauty! If I could give you 10 stars, I would, but they only allow me to give 5 stars, so I did.