MM skyvan Version 1.0
Flight control
W or up arrow is to pitch down
S or down arrow is to pitch up
A or left arrow is to bank left (turn left)
D or right arrow is to bank right (turn right)
E or page up is to speed up
C or page down is to slow down
Voice Commands- (Default chat channel is 1)
/1c - toggle dynamic follow camera
/1g - Rear hatch
/1s - smoke on/off
/1help - Commands info
Touch menu
HUD use
camera,Rear hatch,modeA/B,smoke
- 32 LI
- Propeller plane
- Two-seater
Use My tweaked mm cool_ambhibian script to fly better
mm cool_amphibian flight script is mod, so you can tweak it and it works with Skyvan.
you loose flaps and aileron animations and engine sound is different, but it flies better
IM me for my tweaked flight script it is free.My tweaks are mostly from rcx flight script Air and taxi parameters. rest are my own tweaks.
Its a joke ! Thats why its free..... WOW WHAT A JOKE FLIGHT THAT WAS LOL