Flight control
W or up arrow is to pitch down
S or down arrow is to pitch up
A or left arrow is to bank left (turn left)
D or right arrow is to bank right (turn right)
E or page up is to speed up
C or page down is to slow down
Voice Commands- (Default chat channel is 1)
/1c - toggle dynamic follow camera
/1g - Rear hatch
/1s - smoke on/off
/1help - Commands info
Touch menu
HUD use
camera,Rear hatch,modeA/B,smoke
- 32 LI
- Propeller plane
- Two-seater
Not worth the inventory space
It's an old scultpy build that's obvoius, so I thought ~ ok it's free I'll try it anyway it looks neat ~
The picture hides the fact that there is no cargo door the rear of the plane is simply wide open.
Everything that a previous review said about flight is true, there has been some significant changes to scripting since it was made and as you cross regions controls will reverse themselves, fail to respond, the plane will tumble and fly backwards. Meanwhile your avi will suddenly change position relative to the seat so even in mouse look your vision is terrible, the camera will constantly change to looking front to back on the plane and this affects your control directions accordingly. It took me three times as long to complete the flying portion of an SL drive than my friend simply flying without a vehicle due to the crazy control and camera problems.
Nice airplane for newcomers
I actually got this plane long ago when I was just some days old noob. Of course I had no money and Michie and her free vehicles came to my rescue. Along the way I learned how to mod these vehicles to suit my liking, like FalsusMendax did. And I got money to buy better vehicles. But these free vehicles were all I had before that. This particular plane isn't so bad. I knew people who actually charge money to buy something that flies worse than this thing. Yes, compared to 2000$L planes, this ZERO $L plane simply can't compete. But I can imagine I'm not the only former noob who had a lot of fun in one of these free vehicles Michie provided for us. One advice for those one-star reviewers: get your sick comment somewhere else. You want something good? Buy one of those 2000$L+ planes. Good freebies exist on many things in SL. Airplanes aren't one of them.
Use My tweaked mm cool_ambhibian script to fly better
mm cool_amphibian flight script is mod, so you can tweak it and it works with Skyvan.
you loose flaps and aileron animations and engine sound is different, but it flies better
IM me for my tweaked flight script it is free.My tweaks are mostly from rcx flight script Air and taxi parameters. rest are my own tweaks.
Its a joke ! Thats why its free..... WOW WHAT A JOKE FLIGHT THAT WAS LOL
Sadly, this is one to avoid
I've got a lot of MM's vehicles, and most of the aircraft and boats are nice. This however, is in desperate need of fixing. It flies with it's nose pointing down by about 30-40 degrees all the time, with absolutely no way to make it fly level. The throttle is terrible. It really needs 5% increments instead of 10%. As mentioned in another review, this thing takes off by itself at around 30% throttle, and continues to climb unless you pitch the nose down, causing landing to look like you're crashing into the runway.
It's a real shame, as it looks nice, and even has opening rear ramp. It just really needs the script fixing. Being mod, it may be possible to add your own root prim with a working script in it, but you shouldn't really have to. At least it's free, so you don't lose anything.
It has potential
I have really mixed opinions on this aircraft. On the one hand I really want to love it - it is a really handy transport plane, with loads of customizability, nice sound effects, animated components (ailerons, rudder, flaps, props, hatches and cargo ramp) and a very decent mesh model.
The problem is the flight physics - they are really, really broken and need fixing You start the plane by sitting in it (and it goes 'temporary' automatically). The throttle has a dozen incremental stages: -10% (reverse), 0% (park), 10% (really fast taxiing), 20% (take-off), 30-100% (increases rate of climb and airspeed up to jet fighter speeds).
Power is almost instantaneous, with climb kicking in the second you throttle to 20% - no need to rotate the aircraft. Consequently, landing can be really, really difficult, because the Skyvan just doesn't want to land. Even dropping the throttle to 0 or 10% won't help much, as 10% pretty much floats the aircraft in mid-air and 0% causes the aircraft to (really) slowly float almost vertically down. Once you're on the tarmac there's no guarantee that the plane will notice you've landed and will probably continue to roll and pitch as you attempt to taxi.
As with all MM aircraft, the camera can be a bit random and likes to sometimes put you into very odd angles. Since I fly mainly in mouse-look, this wasn't a huge problem to be honest, but it is something to take note of.
As I say, I *really* love the idea behind the aircraft a lot and hugely appreciate all the work which has gone into it. Michie's vehicles are always fun to try out and are definitely improving all the time. For example, the R44 helicopter is a really nice aircraft and shows how much potential MM vehicles have. With a new flight physics system the Skyvan could be a fantastic little aircraft to have fun with and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.