Michie Marine Express Version 1.3
Sport fishing boat
22Land impact
operation guide
W or up arrow is speed up.
S or down arrow is slowdoun.
A or left arrow is turn left.
D or right arrow is turn right.
shift + D or right arrow is turn left.
shift + A or left arrow is turn right.
E or page up is Cruise Control on. keep accelerate.
C or page down is Cruise Control off.
click the body to open menu.
(owner) driver setting menu
(driver) choose driving position
----- ver1.1 -----
added game fishing chair to the deck.
We established a scoreboard to shop.
---- Ver1.2 -----
Add the system off switch to the menu. I was able to use other fishing game.
---- Ver1.3 ----
fishing game rez server moved reset.(UUID change)
Thank you.
Michie yokosuka
- sport fishing boat
- Tower
- Daburru outboard motor
- Driving cockpit or tower
My Favorite
I have several helicopters and boats. Many are just too complicated for me. I have to adjust the sails or certain speeds and height etc. All items from this vendor are the least expensive and the easiest and most enjoyable over the other VERY expensive ones. This is my favorite vendor. And with the cost so low, its unbelievable.............