This outfit is designed to work with the Utilizator Avatar 2.0 Mesh Body. May or may not work with other avatars.
I'm sorry but there will be no refunds if you bought this for an avatar other than the utilizator's 2.0.
All of the attachments are rigged except for the mask and eyepatch.
Refer to the texture bundled with the outfit for recolor instructions.
Second Life の商品を表示- Complete Outfit
Got this mainly for the mask.
I love it, thank you!
Go scare people~
This outfit is really neat!
It's kind of dark and different in the best of ways. The mask and eyepatches are really cool, and easily modifiable for fitting your M3 Heads, rather it be the M3 or Venus
The bodysuit fits like a bodysuit should. It fits tight and compliments the avatar 2.0's shape nicely~
If you're looking for a dark, creepy or mysterious outfit for your avatar 2.0, go with this~
also keep in mind this does not come with shoes. So you either go barefoot as intended or add your own~