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Music/Sound Player V2.1 - Copy Version Versão 2.1

Music/Sound Player V2.1 - Copy Version

This is the Copy Version

What you can do with this stuff:

You can build a music player, a jukebox, a instrument, a karaoke machine or anything else you can imagine, which will play sounds/songs.

You only need to put 1 script along with some sound files in a object and you are ready to go.
NEW in V2: The player can now also work with song infos in (a) notecard(s) !

Player is controlled via Touch + (new) basic control via nearby chat (main chat) links (also new in V2.0).

Additionally a fancy "Remote HUD" will be delivered.

************** Player options are: **************

Play a single file (Single)
Play a single file looped (Looped)
Play all files in a shuffle mode (Random)
Play all files one by one (All)
Create & play a playlist (your own choice of songs and sequence
List - will print all songs to nearby chat (owner only). Very nice for a player with many entries.
You can start the songs by clicking them
Some basic command are available via chat links during play.

For detailed infos please be so kind to read the attached PDF.

NO refunds - please be so kind to check the DEMO and to READ the attached PDF before bying
Find the DEMO here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dizza/123/188/334

********* Updates *********

Version 1.1
minor script improvements

Version 1.2.
Fixed an error caused by "wrong" use of random mode

Version 1.3
Fixed an issue with access rights

Verion 2.0
Added notecard versions
Scipt optimization
Added chat links

Version 2.1
Fixed an error in the SNC scripts

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