+ 1 land impact
+ LOD resistant
+ Low lag
+ Copy/Modify
A simple low cost, low poly, ultra-low lag "crossed sheet" tree with a standard texture. It comes in three variants with two, three or four crossed sheets. Plants like these are probably not suitable as upfront features (you want some of our more detailed plants for that) but with their ultra-low lag and low land impact they are perfect as accentuations adding depth and variety to a landscape. The LoD is perfect, that is the shape never ever gets distorted no matter the viewing distance, the load is so light you shouldn't notice any additional lag at all no matter how many you have on your land and the land impact is so low that if you link two of them together, the pair still counts as only one LI combined.
Do not confuse this with similar looking simple prim and sculpt plants from other makers. Traditional crossed sheet plants can be very laggy and if they are sculpts, they tend to break down and look distorted when viewed from a little bit of distance. OPQ plants never have any such issues no matter how simple and affordable they are. To us "cheap" means low price, not low quality.
If you're not sure if these are the right plants for you, please visit our inworld store where you can see exactly how they look and also compare them side by side with our more elaborate plants.
Reviews and feedback
If you like this product, please leave a positive review! It only takes a minute and is highly appreciated! ^_^
If you are unsatisfied with your purchase in any way, send an IM or a notecard to TessJL Resident or ChinRey Resident and we'll do our best to correct any errors.
OPQ Evergreen Tree 01a-c - Low lag, low land impact simple trees
