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OnP Catwalk 3, Avatar Programming Version 3 avatar programming

OnP Catwalk 3, Avatar Programming

CATWALK 3, Programmable Avatars

Female or Male or Both

We had a catwalk for SL avatars to model clothes, we called catwalk 1 and 2 where 2 was an update, that were totally driven by animations and only for females. We liked that version and still do, but there are distance and other limitations on animations in SL. We then decided to do something less limited. This is it. We use a carrier that avatars ride on that is programmed. That avatar for our catwalk then is programmed to do the course automatically, going to points we specify one line at a time of code, then to also control direction to face, which animation or modeling pose to use, which facial expression to have and how long a time doing that one step of the operation.

1. Catwalks - 4 of them - that differ by the direction they face - that can be set up and used quickly
2. A Programmer and more aids for those who wish extensive changes to customize for their own usage
3. A more general "avatar mover" and a programmer and aids for programming avatars to do other things

We tried several approaches, but decided to use SL "physics" as SL cars and airplanes sometimes use. We use that since at times, it can give a far smoother result when moving. But physics can also vary position or direction a bit, especially for something as precise as an avatar model, and so we add complex software that is often correcting the location and the direction of the avatar carrier. But of course that is just the start. Then we allow programming where you can set the position to go (or perhaps just stand still), the direction to face, a choice of animations or poses to use, a choice of facial expression, and how much time for each individual action.

If you just wish to use the catwalk 3 as is, you can be going in minutes. They are set up to be used quickly. You should not rotate the catwalks since the direction and programming code should work together. However, we give you four choices of basically SL North, South, East and West ready to go. There is a dressing area where an avatar would click a rezzer to get a silver avatar mover. They get a choice of 6 types: Fem 1, Fem 2, Fem 3, Male 1, Male 2, Male 3. We of course do not ourselves care which gender uses which. Have a good time. The Fem ones in general have a little more body movement as one might expect. In general Fem 1 and Male 1 have less complex body twists for the four modeling poses - if the clothes want it kept simple, while Fem 2 and Male 2 are somewhat in the middle and Fem 3 and Male 3 have the most twists. Yes sometimes avatars look best with the most twist, but some days some clothes show better with less twist like Fem 1 or Male 1. We know that since we photo many avatars ourselves for clothes sales. Pick the one that works the best. Then models sit on it, and they can adjust the height, and then just press "go/stop" and the software takes over.

We agree - there are five items to program for each line of code - and worse the distances of x,y,x - just one of the 5 items has to be a relative distance from the starting point. That means subtraction. OMG !!! Please stop! But the good news is that was too much, even for us. So we also developed a programmer that can write the code for you. You just walk around face the direction you wish, and use menus to select animations, facial expressions and time by clicking menu choices. Then press "record" to record that one step and move onto the next. When done you click "ShowList" to give the code altogether in a good format for you to copy and drop onto a note card. So simple, even we can do it. And yes, if you are like us, we then go in and make slight adjustments by hand to the code - but what a great starting point.

If you keep it simple and in most cases orientate custom catwalks in mostly north, south, east and west positioning, we include a direction changer that you can put the notecard code into and then click a button and get the code for 90 degrees left, 90 degrees right, or 180 degrees notation. That is how we ourselves got the South, East and West catwalks.

The "general" avatar mover is not necessarily intended for catwalks, but for general usage and includes a programmer that has even more animations. There are instructions for this item as well as the other items. Have fun.

We include 6 notecards and a seventh, notecard 0 that is something of a guide to catwalk and avatar mover and programming information. Go as far as you wish.

Hope you Enjoy!
Hunter Bronet and Suzie Larsen for OnP Owl and Pussycat in SL Tissela and on SL Marketplace

See item in Second Life
  • Includes changing area that can see out, but harder to see in
  • Uses Avatar programming, physics, software, anims, facial expressions
  • quick usage includes 6 choices for modeling, 3 Fem, 3 Male
  • Includes "programmer" and more aids
  • Catwalk avatar movers "rez and die" to keep prims low
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 17, 2013 by RobSimonis

I did read your instructions. I was able to setup a north catwalk quickly. Then I set out to use the programmer, and was able to add a Male 4 to the same catwalk, going the opposite direction, just to see if I could do it. It worked the first time. Wow! Lots of power. The programmer can make programming easy if one is quite careful with it of course.

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