OnP Mesh Glasses
Description: All mesh glasses that can be configured for size and fashion into a number of different styles of glasses and sunglasses, for all avatar genders, mesh or non mesh, that are within normal reasonable adult size. There are two basic types of glasses in this kit. One is the normal type of glasses and the other is oval, and can be even made roundish in the lens areas.
Designed for low complexity and increased sim visibility and decreased lag
* Two basic glasses "shapes" or types - normal and oval
* Glasses are all mesh, but not rigged such that they can be modified
* For each of those two types, we include a sizing that fits our male model marked "large" and one that fits our female model marked "medium"
* HUD to adjust 3 dimensional sizes, and also color, texture and amount of transparency separately for: lens, rims (around the lens), and frames.
To wear an item, it is always better in inventory to choose "add" instead of "wear." Using "add" allows multiple items to be at the same attachment point on your avatar, which you might need, while "wear" only allows one item and can lead to frustrating trouble.
Fitting and Fashion
The fashion controls are gotten using the Hud. The fitting, however, uses both the left hand column of the HUD for width (across) and length (depth size to ears) as well as Second Life normal adjustments. More information included in the instructions,
Now the hud comes into play after the glasses are adjusted to your head. You can adjust the +tall or - tall on the far left column of the hud in order to select something that looks like tiny spectacles, or normal, or large rock star size glasses. Then you can select color and more by first clicking in the far left column of what to change - all, or lens, or rims, or frame. Note that rim refers to the rim around the lens pieces,
Sun glasses can be made by adjusting the lens to a transparency other than 85% to 100%, instead perhaps to a less transparent 50% or 70%. Then add a color, such as white for normal, black for sun glasses, or a blue, pink or yellow or other for a fashion tint.
Want to get rid of the rims and just have free floating glass for glasses? Two ways to do it. You could select "rims" in the far left column and then in Transparency, select 100% to make them invisible. Another method would be to make the rims the same exact color, texture and transparency as the lens, and as such, it should just blend in and not stick out at all. For oval glasses, the rims go all the way around the lens and the second method of making them the same color as the lens would likely work best. For the normal glasses type, the rims only are down of the above frame area, while the top rims above the lens just become part of the frame, as many glasses do. So for normal glasses, there is less of an issue in just making rims 100% transparent if you wish rimless glasses below the upper frame area for the normal type.
Have fun
Hope you enjoy!
Hunter Bronet for OnP Owl and Pussycat in Tissela and on SL Marketplace
- now contains two styles: normal and oval
- all mesh, non-rigged, so you can adjust to your avatar head
- hud included for color, transparency, texture change
- 3 separate parts may be color changed - lens, rims, frame
- size and fashion options allow for many styles