..:: P&W ::.. Garage HOME
Thank you for your interest in ..:: P&W ::.. Garage HOME
This is a 100% mesh house. You must have a mesh compatible viewer!
Basic House Info:
►272 prims
►270 sqm 18X16
►Texture change option
►High quality texture and lod
►House control system with lockable doors and access settings
(owner, list, group)
►Help texture for access system
►Summer/Winter version
►Easy Rez system
►Suitable for city rp
►Low land impact
►Auto Update server
At the inworld store you can also try the demo.
See item in Second Life View Video »You must have it!
Great garage. I used it for my picture :o) https://flic.kr/p/2jsrz3k
Best Dang Build ever
bought this a few years ago.. did some mods for a smaller parcel. "took alot out" still looked great. just got a redilivery and rezzed it for some flickr pics and Damn.. i forgot how amazing this was.. great textures. perfect for a great man cave or MC garage