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[Px] Tintable Sleeping Particles (wear)

[Px] Tintable Sleeping Particles (wear)
[Px] Tintable Sleeping Particles (wear)
4 Reviews

This is an invisible prim attached to chin that will emmit ZZZ sleeping particles around the user head.

The start and end color of the particles can be changed easily editing the configuration script inside the emmiter.

The picture above shows particles that start white and end light blue, for example.

You can also rez this emmiter over some sleeping avatar, pet or statue for the same effect.

This can be also useful as an away status indicator.

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Does what it says
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 10, 2018 by Hayt Anatra

This works just fine. Just wear it as is.

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It doesn't work at all. =/
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted October 18, 2017 by Ty Zucker

There's no on or off switch. No instructions on how to get it to work. I attached it and it's not doing anything. I tried rezzing it, but still nothing. The script is no mod, so you can't turn it on or off manually or figure out why it isn't working.

It legitimately Does. Not. Work. I know it's just $10L, but that's $10L that could have gone to something that DOES work.

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L$ 10

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Sold by: Nescolet

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