**Summer Sale for 1999, reg. price 2500**
Introducing Raven's Lair!
This is a pretty big build with a surprisingly low prim count, it is 47x40m at the base and only 395 prim!
that's including the trees, grass, and fire braziers.
Lower level - 3 entrances, 5 rooms and 2 cells
First floor - main entrance, 5 rooms and a patio area
Second floor - 6 rooms (3 on each side with a small outdoor walkway connecting them)
Third floor - 3 rooms and a patio area
The trees and grass in the photos are included.
Materials - parts in this build use the new materials textures (normal and specular maps). These result in a much more realistic
viewing experience.
**To see the effects you must have the "Advanced Lighting Model" box checked in Preferences>Graphics Tab**
The doors use Kool door scripts that are upgradable to the roleplay
version, more information on that can be found here.
Snapshots by - Raven Conners (silentraven1)
Come see this inworld to fully appreciate the beauty!!
Thank you for looking :-)
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