Rez Gray's Self-Updating Continents Map Version 1
** UPDATE MARCH 2023 **
Adding Belliseria broke Rez's brain trying to fit everything into the map in that format. He has just released a dynamic map (see related items) and will finally update this self-updating product in March 2023
This map uses eight 1024x1024 textures to display the main continents of SL.
This is a continuation of a project from 2018, Rez remembered it existed when he changed web hosting and, three months later, discovered the maps were generating four hundred thousand 404 errors a month.
The images will update within 16 hours of Rez posting updated textures to his server.
The mesh panes are full permission.
The script itself is no-mod, copy, xfer.
Rez is working on a full update, the new land bridge altered the old layout.
Price is 1L to allow gifting.
Rez appreciates donations.
Not Full Perm
Just a copy version only...(
L$ 1
Land Required
This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed