Ripper's Butterfly Effect:
Nice effect of flying Butterflies that fills the whole environment around you. Ripper's Butterfly Effect can also be placed in your groin as a HUD which will cause a soft cloud of butterflies floating around and wherever you go.
You can place it on a favorite site, giving a magical and nice touch all around you; You can also copy the content script and place it on any object of your property, causing the effect described above.
The script is turned off by default and can be activated by just touching the object that contains it.
Any doubt or question, about its operation and any failure, I thank to write me in the world SL by IM to: ripperlyo.
Your opinion about my articles is very important, both for me and for other users of MarketPlace, it would be very helpful for everyone to have your reference in the article reviews.
Ripper's Butterfly Effect:
Bonito efecto de Mariposas volando que llena todo el ambiente a su alrededor. El Ripper's Butterfly Effect, puede usarse también como HUD lo que causara una nube suave de mariposas flotando a su alrededor y por donde usted pase.
Usted puede colocar en un sitio preferido, dando un toque magico y agradable en todo alrededor de usted; ademas podra copiar el Script contenido y colocarlo en cualquier objeto de su propiedad, causando el efecto antes descrito.
El script esta apagado por defecto y puede activarlo solo con dar un toque al objeto que lo contiene.
Cualquier duda o pregunta, sobre su funcionamiento y cualquier falla, agradezco escribirme en el mundo SL por IM a: ripperlyo.
Su opinión acerca de mis artículos es muy importante, tanto para mi como para el resto de usuarios de MarketPlace, seria de mucha ayuda para todos poder contar con su referencia en las reseñas del articulo.
- Nice effect of flying Butterflies
- can also be placed in your groin as a HUD
- can be activated by just touching
- can also copy the content script and place it on any object
The best effect I have found in SL I have bought several of his effects.