Copyright© 2005-2018 Spider Productions. All rights reserved.
“Original Mesh Designed & Developed by Spider Carnot
Owner/Creator/CEO of Spider Productions
☠ [ Spider Productions] ☠
Proudly Presents
The Ascendant Wings
Multiple pictures can be found full resolution here https://www.flickr.com/photos/55591493@N08/
* BENTO rigged Original Mesh Wings in 4 Sizes Small, Medium, Large, and X-Large
* QL textures, normals, and spec gloss for "advanced lighting" rendering
* RGB Color change on multiple layers, Tint and Glow sliders, Custom color save options, and RGB code menu
* Opacity, Gloss, and Gloss Tint sliders, Gloss RGB Color change, Shine (4 Levels), Bright On/Off
* Idle random natural standing wing movement (7 animations) Open/Close, Flap, Shielding Embrace
* Easy to use Features H.U.D. + Hot bar Sound Effects with On/Off toggle
* Customizable gestures for extra freedom (Glide) (Wing Spin) for in flight or (Flap Once) for ground
* Enhanced Flight movement with custom animations for non-standard flight
Fly up/down 45 degree/bank/swoop/dive/glide and more!
Hover realistically while being lifted and synced with the wing movement
Fly forward + tap left or right to gently bank left or right
Fly forward + hold up to fly up on a 45 degree angle
Fly forward + hold down to swoop down on a 45 degree angle
2 Random sequence Fly forward animations
2 Random sequence bank/turn animations
* Human/Furry/Petite/Mini/Beast Compatible (compatibility may vary)
::TRY DEMO before purchase::
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See item in Second Life View Video »Amazing work!
Such high quality and beautiful wings! I love wearing them on my vampress and viking avatars! Love the functionality and flexibility!
Your demon needs these
Simply the best! I was using another Bento wings, which replaced my home-made frames animated mesh wings for better animations and lower complexity. The other Bento wings just never looked as good as my old ones though... then I found these from [SP]. Finally, my demon is happy again. Thank you Spider!
Great design, realistic, believable wings in several sizes
Extensive HUD for easy customization
Custom animations and flight controls
It's MOD MOD MOD... I can make them do even more!
Makes me want to buy everything else in the store. Working on that one ;-)
Absolutely Superb!
As always, I demo'd every set of wings I could find before purchasing. There are some nice Bento wings out there now. These were the last I tried, and were an instant "Oh Yes!". Exactly what I was looking for, both in form and function.
They fold up neatly while standing, rather than staying out wide, but don't stay fixed like that. They animate naturally while at rest too (assuming we can say that about having wings on a humanoid). The overall effect is spot on. There are good animations for flying, hovering and landing along with sounds.
The shape of the wings is perfect for a demon or a bat and the texturing and tinting options are extensive. The wings actually look big and strong enough to fly with, unlike some I tried.
Kudos to the creator for making the wings modifyable. The creator even provides the UV maps. Wow! Why some people think they need to make their stuff no-mod is beyond me. Mod means that, as well as adjusting the colours easily and making my own textures, I can drop in my own script to do things like auto-show/hide the wings when flying/landing.
Kudos also for making the script listen to the owner's objects, not just the owner. It's a better check in the listen event compared to what most do. It means I can add a button on my own multipurpose HUD to activate the wings' gestures, instead of having to type in chat or remember which keyboard button the gesture is assigned to.
It's so nice to see something made by someone who clearly takes pride in their work, and cares that their customers can make the best use of it.
The only gltich I've spotted is that the colour picker on the HUD is misaligned and the left (red) edge is missing a bit. That makes the picked spot not coincide with the cursor near that side, and choosing the redest edge requires dragging the cursor off the edge of the picker and guessing where it lands. A minor issue (especially since we can tint manually) but something to fix if an update is ever made.
Great product
As the title says, its easy to use...looks great...and plenty of customization to keep you happy.
Great job!
Diversive demonic/dragonic wings of Spider Productions!
This is by far one of the best dragon/demon looking wings. Sounds and animations really pay off your immersive flight! Was released for Fantasy Faire 2018, and many recommended this, so try one now, newbies! :)