G General

Seamus Bayou House(131LI, 34x18)

Seamus Bayou House(131LI, 34x18)

The Seamus Bayou House is a 2 and a half storey house with 2 verandahs, one of which you can dock your boat. Gambrel roof and weathered brickwork makes the house look aged and quaint.
The house has 2 big bedrooms and a spacious 'attic'. Living and dining/kitchen areas are seperated while long huge windows gives a great view and let in the light.

I have made 2 rezzer boxes, one just for the house and another which includes the landscaping and flowing river.

The Seamus Bayou House is 131 land impact while the the Seamus Bayou House Complete is 175 land impact with a base of 42x32. I have also included a fireplace and a window box with the flowers.

The house is copy, mod and no transfer. Some scripts are no mod. While rezzing, please raise the box up until all parts of the house are aligned.

Please see the demo of this house at my in-world store so you know exactly what you are buying.
Thank you.