A Starfish for your sear or pool?
full permission and only 1 prim.
The starfish does not need food, you can just copy it and populate every water area you have: your fish glass, your pool, your pond, your ocean, your aquarium, your plate,...
The starfish is in nature very slim and therefor I made it form an ordinary priml, that it does not make lag and rezz at sudden. The texture is small as well and so your place will be visible at sudden.
- nice starfish for your pool, your ocean, your pond
- .. or your fish glass
- the fish has only 1 prim
- your starfish rezzes at sudden
- pololte your water with fish
half a star
great texture, but thats all it is. a textured flat prim
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Its a flat texture!
It would be helpful if you would be clearer in the description that this is a flat texture, a picture of a starfish not an object. How its worded is misleading in my view.