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TMNT - Ultimate Ninja Turtle [ Bento Avatar ] Version 1.02


TMNT - Ultimate Ninja Turtle [Bento] + Michelangelo Pizzeria Game

All 4 Turtles into 1

◉ TMNT - Ultimate Ninja Turtle bento Avatar, 1 bento Avatar 4 Turtles, Bento Fingers, Advanced Lightning, Improved Textures, Blood Textures for when you get Hit by guns or Velocity Objects "Speed +5",Ridable Skateboard, Animations and Sounds on changing Turtle, and More will come in Future update.

➔ Information by Box Name and manual

◉ TMNT - Ultimate Ninja Turtle [Unbox]

↳ TMNT - Head Band ➔ Turtle Band that Changes Color by Turtle Color [automatic]
↳ TMNT - HUD ➔ Click on Each Turtle to Change to that Turtle, Click Skateboard to Trigger AO and Skate ON/OFF, TMNT Theme, Click to Listen the awesome TMNT SoundTrack from 1990 Movie, ON/OFF Icon, will Turn Damage and Hovertext ON.
↳ TMNT - Shell [Wear/Add] ➔ Awesome shell with Music Player Animated and Show some Items and Hide Others.
↳ TMNT - Ultimate Ninja Turtle [Wear/Add] ➔ Main Bento Avatar, Changes Texture automatic, animated Eyes, Normal Texture or Blood, Advanced Lights, Bento Hands.
↳ TMNT [ HideAll ] ➔ Simple Shirt to Hide SL Default Avatar
↳ TMNT [ Shape ] ➔ Main Shape for Turtle

◉ TMNT - Skateboard [Unbox]

↳ TMNT - Skate [ Wear/Add ] - Sheath ➔ Show/Hide Skaboard on your Backs
↳ TMNT - Skate [ Wear/Add] - Draw ➔ Clicking on Skateboard on HUD, will Activate this Skate also AO "Animations Priority 4", but can work better with others AO Off, Skateboard with Sounds,Particles, Speed Control for Wheels Rotations and Tricks by Pressing [ Left Mouse Key ].

◉ TMNT - Weapons [Unbox]

↳ TMNT - Donatello [ Staff ] ➔ Turn visible and invisible with each Diferent Turtle. [ Mod/Copy ] ➔ you can Script and Animated them.
↳ TMNT - Leonardo [weapon] ➔ Turn visible and invisible with each Diferent Turtle. [ Mod/Copy ] ➔ you can Script and Animated them.
↳ TMNT - Michelangelo [weapon] ➔ Turn visible and invisible with each Diferent Turtle. [ Mod/Copy ] ➔ you can Script and Animated them.
↳ TMNT - Raphael [weapon] ➔ Turn visible and invisible with each Diferent Turtle. [ Mod/Copy ] ➔ you can Script and Animated them.

◉ TMNT - Ninja Suit [Unbox]

↳ TMNT - Ninja [Belt]Pelvis
↳ TMNT - Ninja [L-Arm]Top
↳ TMNT - Ninja [L-Leg]
↳ TMNT - Ninja [L-Leg]Top
↳ TMNT - Ninja [Mask]
↳ TMNT - Ninja [Pelvis]
↳ TMNT - Ninja [R-Arm]Top
↳ TMNT - Ninja [R-Leg]
↳ TMNT - Ninja [R-Leg]Top
↳ TMNT - Ninja Suit [Press-R] ➔ Activate Gesture to be able to Change Ninja Suit On / off by Pressing R key.

◉ TMNT - Extra [Unbox]

↳ TMNT - [ Shower Outside ] ➔ use the Shower to Clean up the Blood in your Body. [ Mod/Copy ]
↳ TMNT - HeadPhones AddOn [ Wear/Add ] ➔ Click the HeadPhones to Turn On/Off the Announcer Voice in HUD.
↳ TMNT - Logo AddOn [ Wear/Add ] ➔ Just a Small TMNT Logo to use and take awesome Photos. [ Mod/Copy ]
↳ TMNT - Pizza AddOn [ Wear/Add ] ➔ Decorative Pizza Box, click to Open or Close ,to use and take awesome Photos.

◉ Update Log [v1.021] - 18/10/2023

↳Fixed Textures, Scripts, Particles.
↳Fixed Bento Avatar Head, eyes now Blink Separated from Mesh,
using Normal Animated Prims, Breath particles from Mouth.
↳ Added New Traveller Backpack, Hat, with New Skateboard.
↳ Combat Movements with Collision Damage with 5 Movements , using Keys 1 2 3 4 5, Turn Damage to fight.
↳ Added Clan Name into Hovertext, so you can now Create your Own Clan or another title.
↳Added Scanner Radar to Scan for Close Items and Show they Name and Description by touch

◉ Update Log [v1.02] - 25/09/2023
↳ TMNT - Michelangelo Pizzeria Game [Unbox ] ➔ Now Included on Pack , all Information inside Game Notecard .

◉ Update Log [v1.01] - 22/09/2023

↳ Updated All 4 Turtles Texture, better Resolution and Improvements.
↳ Decorative and interactive items now Included on the Pack.

◉ Recommended Settings in Second Life Preferences [ ctrl + P ] / Graphics

.Use High or Ultra for a Better Experience
.Use Objects & Sculpts LOD to +3.0 Recomended 4.0
.Maximum Complexity : +70.000 Recomended +90.000

◉ All Future Updates Are FREE ◉
↳ When New Versions Are Released I will Send Information by Myth Design Group, so Join my Group for all my New Products information

✋ For More Information Contact Silva Khandr in Second Life, will be respond in 24 hours
➔ If your a Fan of this 4 Brothers, plz Leave a Review, Cowabunga

See item in Second Life
  • tmnt
  • Ninja Turtle Avatar
  • Turtle Avatar
  • Turtle
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles