A delicious mixture of Medieval ingenuity and cultural folklore-ism perfect for imaginative inspiration, and decoration! The Hunters Coach.
What are you hunting? It could be Animal, Human, or something more than mundane. That's up to you. Hopefully the coach evokes the answer. The trap? (Concept only, it is not scripted to spray water, chemicals or whatever else you may employ) The Bait (Chicken) is placed in a cage, the target attempts to take the bait in the cage, or the whole cage, pulling down the bar which pulls on the rope, that's tied to the barrel filled with (whatever) which opens the lid and spills it's contents on to the target. Viola, Mission accomplished, prey captured.
LI Info:
Teeglepet - 92LI (Set up as shown with the Teeglepet Clydesdale and Cheval D'or Beau Fine Harness Modified.. set up description listed in features) Will vary depending upon Horse breed & tack used.
RT Horse Avatar/Human Driven - 43LI
FT Horse Avatar/Human Driven - 42LI
Display Coach - 41LI (Animated Non Vehicle)
Compatible with Teeglepet's/Avatars, Mesh & Bento Mesh Avatars, WaterHorse, and possibly RH (RealHorse)/TWI Avatars (Not tested on this vehicle but has worked with minimal deformities on other Out on a Whim Vehicles) and of course the "Human Driven" Coach that can be used with wearable Horse objects.
Spinning Wheels
Multiple High Quality Animations on Driver Seat, Roof Top, & Base (for inside the jail part. Click these places to change animations. Teelgepet version only has 1 animated seat, 1 animated Roof, and 1 animated Jail seat - SL limitations)
Chicken w/sounds (turn on and off by clicking on the chicken)
Custom Rolling Wagon sounds on Human Driven (Click on rear Wall Trim to turn on and off)
Custom Rolling Sounds on Horse Avatar Coach (No need to click, sound plays on move)
Ability to set Coach to Owner or Public on Teeglepet & Human Driven Version, Horse Avatar version can set permissions after sitting on horse avatar ball)
FT/RT = Flat Terrain or Rough Terrain versions included for Avatar and Human Driven versions (To facilitate easy "driving" on normal flat Linden ground (FT) or Uneven or Mesh Ground (RT)
Teeglepet Base Equine Notecard with seating arrangement pre-calculated and animations (Drag and Drop into Contents of Teeglepet. Instructions included -
For Teeglepet users, This wagon was designed using the Teeglepet Clydesdale Horse wearing the Cheval D'or Beau Fine Harness Gig Saddle with the Crupper and Breast Plate removed. To avoid linking issues not all Horse/Harness combinations will work. LL's limitations are well below 100 LI prims to link any object. If your horse set up exceeds this you can unlink and remove the cages from the sides of the Coach to help lower LI, but it is no guarantee, just a suggestion.
For Cheval D'or:
Multiple Camera Angles on Teeglepet version using Teeglepet Hud (delivered when first seated on horse) .. Sky view is awesome (personal preference)
Camera adjustment advantage on Human Driven Coach.
Right Click Coach > Edit > Content > Open Wagon Move Script, Change params on line 31 llSetCameraEyeOffset (X,Y,Z)
See item in Second Life- Works With Teeglepets
- Works with Horse Avatars
- Working Door
- Spinning Wheels
- Owner/Public Use