G General

Type 7-A Shuttlecraft Version 4.0

Type 7-A Shuttlecraft

Specifications for the Type 7-A Shuttlecraft

UPDATED! I've changed the nacelles to a very nice looking MESH prim and added a "jump drive" which can be used in character or out of character to move the ship and occupants quickly around the region.

The Type 7-A is an upgrade of the Type 7 short to medium range shuttlecraft. The compact hull design was efficient enough that the fleet decided to upgrade internal systems rather than scrap the entire design. Equipped with a more efficient power plant and improved warp nacelle design, the Type 7-A is capable of about 4 times the speed and range of the previous design. This model is equipped for personnel transport.

Physical Parameters:
Personnel: 2 crew, 6 passengers
Armament: 2 Type V Phasers, 2 Micro-Photon Torpedo launchers
Mass: 3.98 metric tonnes
Warp Speed: 5
Normal Cruise : 4
Maximum Cruise: 4.5
Maximum Rated: 5 (3 hours)

Verbal Commands:
Power Up - Powers up engines, closes the hatch, sets hover mode.
Power Down - Powers down engines but maintains position.
Warp <number> or Warp Factor <number> - Exits hover mode and engages the warp engines at the warp factor specified by <number>.
All Stop - Disengages the Warp Engines & returns to hover mode.
Stall - Abruptly powers off engines, vehicle does not maintain position and will fall.
Landing - moves camera directly above for better positioning for landing.
Land - gently lower vehicle to surface.
Hatch - Opens/closes hatch.
Guest Mode - Allows guest to pilot the vehicle.
Give HUD - Dispenses a Heads Up Display.

Alert System:
Red Alert
Yellow Alert
Code Blue
Cancel Alert

Click rear hatch to open/close

A Shuttle Heads Up Display (HUD) is provided to give clear and easy access to the vehicle's features.

ShuttleHUD Controls:

Top Left: Engines & Alert system
The first section from the left is the Impulse Engine control slider. It has 5 positions which control the speed of the shuttle in normal flight mode. Full, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4, Impulse and RCS Thrusters.

NOTE: The vehicle automatically reduces engines to thrusters only, when within 30m of the initial rez coordinates.

Top Center: Warp Drive Control
The second section from the left is the Warp Engine control slider. It has 7 positions for warp factors 1-6 and sublight impulse (0). Warp Speed is a display effect only, vehicle does not actually exceed the speed of light.

Top Right: Alert System Control
There are 4 controls: Red Alert, Yellow Alert, Code Blue (for landing), and Condition Green.

Center: Hatch Control and System Comms
The access hatch of the shuttle can be opened or closed from these controls. The lighted indicator will be green when closed and red when opened. If the HUD does not yet know the condition of the hatch, it will be gray.
If the craft was rezzed by the Merlin Machines Starship Shuttlebay Rezzer, the "BAY DOORS" control will open/close the main shuttlebay doors.
The "Linked" control is used to establish a control link between the HUD and the closest vehicle within 10m.

Bottom: Camera Position Controls
They are, Aft (behind and slightly above the shuttle), Top (looking directly down from above), Inside (Just behind and slightly above the pilot's head inside the shuttle), and Side (just outside the port (left) bulkhead). If you mouse has a roller, you are free to adjust the camera's distance from the shuttle.

Bottom: Power & Misc. Systems
Controls in this section from left to right are Power Up (same as verbal command above), Power Down (same as verbal command above), and Landing Thrusters (same as verbal command "Land" above). To the right in this section are 3 more controls from top to bottom: Help and Specs which give out the Help & Specifications notecards for your shuttle. The final control here is Stall (same as verbal command above).

Right: Ships status, Defensive and Offensive Systems.
In this section is a graphic of the vehicles Type and 3 controls. SHIELDS will toggle an indicator between green and gray (for visual gratification only), PHASERS (sound and particle effects only) and TORPEDOES (sound and particle effects only).

  • HUD with many features
  • 8 Seats
  • Warp Speed, Phaser and Torpedo Effects
  • 5 Speeds
  • Working Hatch, Multi-View, Alert System