Typer RS&DR- Guns Version 1.0
This typer is a pair of arms to two hands in which to make writing a bento animation occurs, which performs a movement that does get both weapons that are in the Holsters; done two different animations random mind alongside a respective sound, Holster for the moment is not included with the typer such which belongs to the store that collaborate with us REKT&Dimensional the link to the shirt meets holsters.
Can be used without the Holsters that are optional.
Inside the folder you will find 4 elements:
RS-Guns Animation No Pistols
RS- Advpistols REKT&Dimencional
RS-Gun L
RS-Gun R
Thank you very much for your purchase, in case of any doubt, please send me an im. Enjoy the product :D
I also make typers with custom designs on request, in case of any doubt please contact me.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RSStoreMarket
Holster :https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/REKTAgent-Tshirt-signature-Only/16158875
Did you like the avatar's outfit? Visit the REKT & Dimensional store, where you can find clothes and accessories for all kinds of avatars with designs of excellent quality and at a great price.
- Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Oreo/203/160/1875
I love this Typer!! Was looking for something that fit me and This Was Perfect for me!! Thank You So Much!!