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Vintage Wings - Roe IV Triplane - 1910

Vintage Wings - Roe IV Triplane - 1910
Vintage Wings - Roe IV Triplane - 1910
1 Review

*** Vintage Wings ***

Roe IV - 1909

The Roe IV Triplane was a British aircraft designed by Alliott Verdon Roe and built by A.V. Roe and Company in 1910.
Although being a development of the previous model III the design was simplified in some aspect respect to its predecesor. The second seat was eliminated, the triplane tail was replaced for a more conventional design, the undercarrieage was modified, and the most important, Roe replaced the ailerons (used sucsessfuly in the model III) for the more primitive wing wrapping system.
Only one aircraft was built, being used during 1910 and 1911 as a trainer at the Avro Flying School at Brooklands. After several reconstructions (due to respective crashes) was scrapped in august 1911.
A flying replica of this aircraft was built for the movie Those Magnificent Men And Their Flying Machines, flown in the movie by the british villain character Sir Percy Armitage (Therry Thomas).

The model represented, the only one built, had a maximun speed of 70 Km/h powered by a 34 Hp Green C4 water cooled engine.

*** All aircraft can be seen inworld in my shop ***

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Excellent all the way
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 09, 2014 by Fluffy Dodo

If you're looking for a collection of Vintage aircraft or just want to try something different for a change look no further. The Vintage Wings Collection of aircraft are detailed, fun to fly and highly affordable. I have purchased all of the builder's collection and look forward to seeing more Vintage wings :)

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L$ 150

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