Earn L$ role playing working in various virtual jobs that virtual jobs employers set up for you. Check often the list of all different job offers that come up at:
1) Search for job offer that interests you through Wallet HUD
2) Teleport to location
3) Click to activate job unit and earn L$
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Veja o item no Second Life- Check Funds
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I loved this HUD
A great way to earn money the old fashioned way... earning it
I love how this app allows everyone to earn a honest day's wage here in second life instead of "pay to play" scheme that every other game has. After all, this is Second Life, a game based on a virtual life which has it's pits and falls along side it's advantages... just like in real life. Now if only the grass would grow like in real life, it would truly be a "second life"
This is very helpful for people who can't afford linden
Virtual Jobs Wallet
Im happy to use this item.Make money Is easy with it.