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Visitor Welcome Board - VWB-210 Version 3.0

Visitor Welcome Board - VWB-210

The VWB has every option you need for welcoming visitors, like sending automatic invites, welcome messages, landmark or showing a menu.
It also features the ability to send the owner lists each day to E-mail, with a visitor list and statistics about visitor counts, SL resident stats and clickies on the board.
All in a neat design, complimented with an optional stand, and with many cosmetic options as you are used to with the SHX product line.

Now with: multilanguage support (menu in 15 languages),
Statistics showing what language viewer your visitors use
Smartbots integration:

Smartbots 24/7 group invites

* SHX - VWB - Visitor Welcome Board - Features
- Group join invitation when a visitor arrives (optional)
- Group join at touch board
- Smartbots compatible (to get automatic invitations)
- Show a menu to a visitor with Info, landmark or group join (optional)
- Visitor menu in all 15 languages! (optional)
- Can give an gift-item via menu (optional)
- Welcome message in IM at arrival visitor (optional)
- Landmark giver at arrival visitor (optional)
- Can give out a notecard on demand (from the menu), you have an option to translate and give it out specifically to all 15 languages
- Can send statistics to E-mail everyday
- Timezone selection, for setting the right midnight mailinglist to Email
- Stores up to 250 visitors
- Can send a list of visitors to E-mail everyday (in CSV format with datetimestamp)
- Language statistics (see where your visitors come from!)
- Optionally clears visitor list at midnight
- Can show visitor list via menu
- Sensor range selectable in menu
- 15 selectable font types
- 15 selectable color themes (and 1 custom)
- Access for group/owner or modifiable manager list
- Visible visitor counter
- Visible total visitor counter
- Visible new residents in Second Life counter
- Visible residents online in Second Life counter
- Shows last visitor name and profile image
- Automatic group image retrieval
- Automatic group ID setup
- Low scriptlag, uses minimal resources
- Auto update function
- Includes full perm API script to optionally make a call to a custom inviter BOT (non-smartbot)

New in 2.0:
- Kuler Themes (external 1 click color change)
- Group ignore toggle
- Parcel restriction
- Including 2 copyable external sensors: Radar sensor / Collision Sensor, with sound and particle effects
- Option to enable/disable internal and external sensors

New in 3.0:
- 100% mesh, now 8Li
- some script cleanups, lowering memory usage

200/210 models only:
- Visible new residents in Second Life counter
- Visible residents online in Second Life counter
- Shows last visitor name and profile image (Displayname or Avatarname)

Manual: http://www.shxonline.com/en/manuals/generic/vwb

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted April 29, 2021 by miti3d

i deleted mi acount when i come back after a week no more board! can i get back ?
and how ?

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lost twice the cost and they stopped working.
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted January 12, 2021 by AnaTalancon

Repeat after me.. I am dumb if I buy this......

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Not Worth it.....
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted September 26, 2019 by 00000Mike00000

I purchased this 2 x cause the first 1 was having issues but when i received the 2nd one , worked perfect for 4 months . When LL and Firestorm had a Massive update and switched to the my program. It got messed up and stopped working . Tried Multiple times to get help. Even send Creator note card asking for help, Heard Nothing from creator and no one from there support , Been waiting for 5 months and still nothing , so i purchased some thing else, When they brag about there support and it doesn't help , neither does the creator, I consider this product a Huge Scam !! Buy Some thing Else , Not this product !!

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 04, 2018 by Dorian Marchant

erstklassige qulität kann ich nur weiter empfehlen

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Works Great for My Park
full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 15, 2014 by CaptainRackham

Building my first Sim, needed a Welcome sign that looked cool and gave out group invites. BOOM!!!! DONE!!!! love it :)

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didnt last me 2 months and went crap
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 06, 2012 by Paige Spearsong

the whole board went to crap not 2 months of owning it i have proof it just totally went all blank no letters numbers nothing. and i never got the stand to it, does work but beware any failure of a sim you lost it its trash after the sim or gird screws up. this is why it does not pay to buy in to things you can not COPY! i have given this man crap loads of money now because of a failure of the board i gave 5 stars because it does do the job, but i'm not at all a fan to NO COPY to me it's just a way to rip people off. people deserve to have the copy options maybe just maybe he will respond but i have tried to contact this guy more then once before i never get a reply.

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