I love fish!
Naturally, ever since I first hit the SL grid I’ve been drawn to fish – gold fish in little bowls, the fish that swim around you everywhere you go, even the little flat fish in the ponds where I go fishing at.
Meet the Wingsong Fish! They are adorable, friendly, animated, and adaptable to your own specifications. All our fish are hybrids of sculpty, non sculptied, and flexiprim parts textured with realistic scales with fun poppy eyes. Here’s what you get in this package:
1 - Wingsong Fish Ride: Delightful ride on the back of your fish; excellent RIDE animations; this is one of my favorite rideable pets!
2-3 - Wingsong Fish in Bowl (A and B): The fish bowl turns a gentle water sound on and off when you touch it. The resident in Wingsong Fish in Bowl A looks like the Wingsong Fish (silver pigmentation) but this one is scripted to randomly turn around and look in all directions. It doesn’t go anywhere, just stays in one spot and watches the world from its safe little habitat. You can modify its colors by rezzing it out, going to the EDIT tool, checking the EDIT LINKED square, MOVE the bowl to the side until the fish is out of the tank, and then click on each body part of the fish – when the body part you want to color is highlighted just go to the color tool and select your colors. When complete, move the fish bowl back over the fish (do NOT try to move the fish – it is multi-primmed and you’ll wind up with fish parts scattered around). To give you an idea of how much fun you can have coloring your Wingsong Fish in Bowls, I’m also including a really pretty multicolored Wingsong Fish in Bowl B. And we've tossed in a small version for you as well.
4 - Wingsong Fish in Bowl WEAR: Your fish goes with you where you do, in its bowl. Because you know, some fish really hate to be out of water. The fish is not animated except for its flexifins and tail. To modify colors and size REZ your fish and copy/modify using the procedures described above. Then just WEAR him. Or her. We've also included a small version of this fish.
5 - Wingsong Fish Swimming in Circle: This is your basic multicolored Wingsong Fish swimming around in a circle. Nothing fancy. Just a little more interesting than the typical “flat fish,” though obviously a little heavier prim-wise (8 prims). Just REZ it down in your pond or other body of water.
6 - Wingsong Fish Swimming in Circle WEAR: This is similar to the Wingsong Fish Swimming in Circle except that you wear it. By default, the center sphere with the swimming engine attaches to your stomach when you WEAR it. Click on the fish to switch the swimming animation on or off.
7 – Wingsong Fish Walk – WEAR: This is a unique AO in which you and your Wingsong Fish both travel in a large fish bowl together. Touching the bowl turns the ambient water sound on and off. To use these fish, REZ your Wingsong Fish Box and COPY items to your inventory. Then select which fish you want to use. REZ on the ground to copy or modify. WEAR the ones specified. And most importantly, enjoy yourself.
The fish are all COPY/MOD – I encourage you to copy each of them before you begin modifying just in case you make a booboo. I’ve made most of these fish a little bigger than normal – I do that so I can see the details better. Just shrink or enlarge them to your own liking.
The fish in bowls don’t seem to like being moved too much and will freeze up if you move them too much. No problem. Just TAKE them back to your inventory and rerez them, and they should be fine. Just in case, though, again, make a copy or two for yourself!
For questions, comments, feedback, or a live demo of any of our fun and fine Wingsong products, please IM Kit Ciaco.
See item in Second Life