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Wingsong Hay Bale MultiSit Box

Wingsong Hay Bale MultiSit Box

Some of my best childhood times came in my grandfather barn. He had a huge hay loft that usually housed TONS of bales of hay - perfect for making forts and cottages and whiling away rainy afternoons. The Wingsong Hay Bale MultiSit is a small way to replicate some of the fun I had all those years ago in this digital online world of ours.


1 - REZ. Right Click on the hay and select "Sit Here." Click on it to select your animations.

2 - The high quality professionally written multisit scripting system accommodates virtually any adult-sized avatar with little or no adjustments. If you prefer to make fine tuning adjustments there is a very easy to use onboard menu system for your convenience.

3 - We have installed 16 original Wingsong animations: 10 SIT, 2 SLEEP, 2 MEDITATE, a READ and a GET BOOK. And here's a little teaser: be sure to select "Sit J." Seriously, folks, it's a hoot! These are NOT mere poses - they are full featured animations, kinesthetically designed for realism and fun.

4 - When you select the GET BOOK animation you will be offered a copy of our highly acclaimed FREE Wingsong Library Book. This is a special book! There are actually 22 titles (covers only - no actual text), including classics such as Romeo and Juliet, A Tale of Two Cities, and the Divine Comedy. Some poetry by Emily Dickenson. A Superman comic book, a cook book, a witch's spell book, a dictionary, and LOTS more. Touch the front cover of your book to change the cover.

5 - The bale of hay is an original Wingsong sculpty.

I've tested with with several Animation Overrides and never had a problem but ya never know about animations - they can be a tad fussy with one another. If you don't "look right" when you sit on the bale of hay disable or remove your AO.


We're including a FREE Wingsong Hay Bale Animal Sounds. This bale of hay is embedded with 16 farm animal sounds that play randomly every 2 to 3 minutes. You can click on the hay to turn it on and off. This second hay bale is NOT animated.

Your Wingsong Hay Bale MultiSit is COPY/MOD, so make all the copies you want and set them out wherever you like. These are great alternatives to chairs and make wonderful chat aids.

For questions or a live demonstration of this or any of our fine/fun Wingsong products, IM Kit Ciaco!

Please Note: Don't be misled by the low cost of our items. We can afford to do this because we create excellent items and provide excellent customer service and support, and sell ALOT of doodads.

See our collection of multisit items at our Marketplace store; keyword multisit.

See item in Second Life
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Thank you :)
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 07, 2015 by Muletta

Just what I was looking for ... This hay bale is great in all ways :)

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