Because this is an attachment, you cannot have passengers and your Wingsong Seg will go anywhere you go! We also make a REZ/RIDE version of this that does support a passenger.
I have never met anyone who did not want to ride a personal transporter. I’ve been wanting one for several years but haven’t been able to afford one. I’ve sulked about it, pouted about it, pined a little, whined a lot. But no PT!
So the other morning as I dragged my sleepy self into the shop my team of Mad Scientists greeted me with a round of big smiles. Now, you may not realize this, but my mad scientists aren’t known for their cheeriness. They are somber, dedicated, focused folks who have hearts of great joy in their creations but seldom take time to relay their joy to their faces.
Well, they made an exception this particular morning. They were absolutely GIDDY!
I said, “What is WRONG with you people?” To be truthful, I say this a lot to my team of Mad Scientists. They just grinned silly, and then in unison they all donned their own personal Wingsong Segs!
I squealed. I admit it freely. And then they gave me MY Wingsong Seg, and I’ve been riding it ever since!
Even though these are easily adjusted to fit any size of human-like avatar with knees and elbows, we’ve bundled two pre-fit sizes for your convenience.
1 - Turn off other AO's. ADD your Wingsong Seg from your inventory. Move using normal movement keys.
2 - Your Wingsong Seg is embedded with five original Wingsong animations to provide you the realism and feel of REAL PT riding.
3 - The wheels turn when you are in walk and run nodes.
4 - Click on the right tire to turn a low engine humming sound off and on.
5 - Click on the left tire for a menu of 11 fun vehicular sounds (horns and such).
6 - Click on the base to turn on a soft ambient flood light.
7 - Click on the main body for a convenient onboard color changer (menu has 88 colors).
8 - Your Wingsong Seg has an automatic Boat Mode; your seg converts to a boat automatically when you drive over natural Linden water. The wheels do not turn when you are in Boat Mode.
9 - If you want to sit in a chair but don't want to remove your seg, enter "/1 s" in the chat window, without the quotation marks. Your seg goes invisible. to make it reappear, enter "/1 s" again.
For even more fun, grab one of our Wingsong Navigation HUDs, sold separately! This HUD allows you to move with cruise control for most of your attachments and you can set your own speed from VERY slow to VERY fast and everything in between. With its cruise control feature you can free up your fingers having to sit on the arrow keys constantly. I seldom leave home without mine!
Your Wingsong Seg is COPY/MOD, so make all the copies you want and recolor, redecorate, resize, retexture, reDO to make it fit YOUR specs
For questions or a live demonstration of this or any of our fine/fun Wingsong products, IM Kit Ciaco!
Don't be misled by the low cost of our items - we make great products and sell for low prices to make our doodads available to people on all budgets. We can afford to do this because we create excellent items and provide excellent customer service and support.
See our line of vehicles at our Marketplace store: keyword: vehicle.
See item in Second Lifeexcellent!
It rides very smoothly, doesn't need a rez zone, great price. My avi is kind of short, but I was easily able to modify this to fit just right and to give it that perfect color. Haven't tried it on water yet, but looking forward to it. ;)