A simple teleporter for your home or business. Uses a notecard for it's configuration. Features customizable floating text and sit text along with the color of the floating text. Can be set to use an exact coordinate for it's teleport location or just a distance from it's present point. Also a "hub style" setting for high traffic use.
Changes in 4.1
1) Automatically compensates for rotation, resize, or shape change of the object.
Changes in 4.2
1) Updates for security and group changes in scripting.
Changes in 4.3
1) Added ability to set the way the avatar will face after teleport.
Changes in 4.4
1) Changed audible feedback from the teleporter to display as float text.
2) Added the ability to set the alpha (visibility) of the float text.
3) Made it possible to turn off all feedback from the teleporter as it does it's configuration.
*Note* Script is delivered in a simple prim as packaging/demo with an instruction notecard and configuration notecard. This is not a long range teleporter.
If you like this item, then check out my multi-location teleporter
- Single location, short range teleporter.
- Customizable float and sit text.
- Security by user list or group (by group tag).
- Destination can be coordinate or distance from teleporter.
- Script is copy/transferable. Objects are copy/transferable/modify
I've been using Wicc's free version of this since nearly Day One in SL. It is easy to use and very, very reliable. A sim I work for has tried a number of different teleportation systems and not one functioned 100% of the time. So I was allowed to setup one with Wicc's script and it has gathered nothing but praise. In fact, someone liked it so much they wanted one of their own so I finally bought the transferable version and got to work. Who knows if I'll ever get to make a custom teleport system for anyone else? I do know that I'm ready, though, thanks to Wicc.