****** Ancient Oak 2012 ******
Throughout the major cultures of Europe the oak tree has been held in high esteem.
To the Greeks, Romans, Celts, Slavs and Teutonic tribes the oak was foremost amongst venerated trees, and in each case associated with the supreme god in their pantheon,
oak being sacred to Zeus, Jupiter, Dagda, Perun and Thor, respectively. Each of these gods also had dominion over rain, thunder and lightning, and it is surely no coincidence
that oak trees appear to be more prone to lightning strikes than other trees, whether because of their wood's low electrical resistance or the fact that they were frequently
the largest, tallest living things in the landscape.
The Druids frequently worshipped and practised their rites in oak groves (the word Druid was probably a Gaelic derivation of their word for oak, Duir, and meant men of the
oaks). Mistletoe, probably the Druids' most potent and magical plant, frequently grew on oak trees and its presence was believed to indicate the hand of God having placed it
there in a lightning strike.
This ancient gnarled stem oak giant was made with care for a natural look.
Its huge size creates an impressive point of view on your skyline.
Of course you can rescale the ancient oak to make it fit smaller parcels - its unique shape makes a good bonsai.
All "2012 trees" are customizeable like no other .:buddhabeats:. trees!
Rescale them from bonsai size to huge tree giants - they will always fit your land.
Tint the leaves, add glow to make it match your color scheme perfectly.
The smart particle script inside will recalculate the particle size to always match the tree scale and foliage color!
The foliage and trunk sculpts were designed together for a perfect match!
No sculpts have been used in any other .:buddhabeats:. tree before and the foliage textures have been designed from scratch
to perfectly fit the tree.
This is a friendly tree giant - always fitting your land and never wasting your sim ressources!
very simple: touch the tree.
the menu options are as follows.
[fall off] + [fall on] = toggle particle fall.
[green] = a fresh and friendly shade of green, like a lush oak in spring or summer.
[yellow] = a greenish yellow shade - fits autumn in spring or summer.
[orange] = a dirty shade of orange - very close to what you see on oaks in autumn.
[red] = not a very natural, but a really beautiful shade.
[brown] = dark, like an almost dead oak - great for urban environments or creepy autumn scenes.
[black] = very dark leaves - not really natural, but maybe the best tone for fark environments.
[white] = silver shimmering leaves - also not natural, but great for a faery garden.
[bald] = just bald branches - a natural look for winter and autumn scenes.
[help] = says a list with advanced tips to the owner.
[exit] = turns off all menu functions and let the tree sleep again.
always use [exit] to leave the menu if you accidentally clicked the tree or dont need the menu.
rightclick and edit the tree.
check "stretch" in the upper part of the sl build window.
push or pull the white boxes appearing around the tree until you get the desired size.
rightclick and edit the tree.
make sure your build window is extended and locate the texture tab.
click the color field and choose a color.
if you have activated particle fall, stop it and restart, the particles will detect the foliage color to fit the foliage.
No trees were harmed for the creation of this virtual object.
Never link any parts to this tree and remove no prims.
Of course you can remove the script for a totally lag free tree.
If you have any questions about this or other .:buddhabeats:. products, please dont hesitate to IM me.
- Rescale it from bonsai size to huge tree giants - it will always fit your la
- 7 different leaf textures + bald branches via pop up menu
- intelligent toggleable particle fall - always fits the size and color of your oa
- custom sculpts and high resolution textures
- low lag scripting - only one script inside (16 kb / 0.001122ms script time)