Throughout the major cultures of Europe the oak tree has been held in high esteem.
To the Greeks, Romans, Celts, Slavs and Teutonic tribes the oak was foremost amongst venerated trees, and in each case associated with the supreme god in their pantheon,
oak being sacred to Zeus, Jupiter, Dagda, Perun and Thor, respectively. Each of these gods also had dominion over rain, thunder and lightning, and it is surely no coincidence
that oak trees appear to be more prone to lightning strikes than other trees, whether because of their wood's low electrical resistance or the fact that they were frequently
the largest, tallest living things in the landscape.
The illuminated oak is perfect for autumn or winter themed places. The bald branches are hung with lights to brigten up the dark time of the year!
It has a built in color picker panel to control light color and glow intensity. Choose from 65.000 possible light colors or let the lights smoothly cycle trough all colors.
The twinkling particles are toggleable and will always fit the scale and light color of the tree.
By the way: have you noticed this tree is copy / mod? No matter if you have a small backyard or a huge homestead area, it will always fit the place!
This prim efficient oak was made with care for a natural look. Foliage and trunk sculpts designed together for a perfect match!
No sculpts have been used in any other .:buddhabeats:. tree before and the foliage textures have been designed from scratch
to perfectly fit the tree.
Of course this tree is friendly to your environment with efficient scripting and low lag! (only one script inside:16 kb / 0.001680ms script time when in color fade mode)
very simple: touch the tree.
the menu options are as follows.
[twinkles off] + [twinkles on] = toggles particle twinkles.
[colors] = activates the color picker panel to change the light color and glow intensity.
[help] = says a list with advanced tips to the owner.
[exit] = turns off all menu functions and let the tree sleep again.
always use [exit] to leave the menu if you accidentally clicked the tree or dont need the menu.
click the tree and select [colors] from the pop up menu.
the color picker panel appears
click the color field to choose a color and use the brightness fader to adjust the brigness.
touch the tree to let the panel vanish or just wait until it auto deletes.
click the tree and select [colors] from the pop up menu.
the color picker panel appears
click the fade button on the color picker panel.
the color picker panle auto deletes itself immediately and the colors start to fade.
rightclick and edit the tree.
check "stretch" in the upper part of the sl build window.
push or pull the white boxes appearing around the tree until you get the desired size.
panel repositioning:
click the tree and select [colors] from the pop up menu.
the color picker panel appears
edit the panel and move it to a convenient position.
touch the tree to let the panel vanish or just wait until it auto deletes.
Next time you want to change the color, the panel appears at the stored position.
No trees were harmed for the creation of this virtual object.
Never link any parts to this tree and remove no prims.
Of course you can remove the script for a totally lag free tree.
This tree takes benefit from "windlight glow" - make sure your graphics settings are set to medium or to
enable "basic shaders".
If you have any questions about this or other .:buddhabeats:. products, please dont hesitate to IM me.
- 65.000 light colors possible + smooth colorfade
- toggleable particle twinkles, always matching to your light color
- resizeable - small backyard or huge homestead, it will always fit your land!
- adjustable glow intensity
- easy to use smart color picker panel
Its pretty.
This tree, being sculpt, is actually a lovely use of 5 little prims, and while I would have liked to have the option for leaves with the lights, I understand the why and how of this particular build, and won't detract from the rating because I read what was being offered and knew what I was buying.
I am not sure what the previous rater had an issue with, the tree took a moment to rezz, did not rezz as a ball, I think they should check their viewer settings because they may have their graphics set too high or something for their computer.
The menu took me a moment to figure out. I was expecting there to be a hud or something - but instead the tree rezzes a color picking panel - while you can tint manually, the sparkle mode won't match if you do that, and it will if you use the panel - very clever. the fade mode seems to turn off when sparkle mode is selected, which isn't a problem, just something to note, in case folks are not aware. I am totally pleased with the purchase.
So to summarize, Sculpt tree - you can size this up to 64 by 64 if you want and it'll still be 5 land impact- can't do that with mesh this complex. its a nice smooth sculpt, if you convex it it goes to 10 land impact, so nice savings on the prims at base that only gets better the bigger you go. low lag scripting - if you want to turn the listener off once its activated just click the tree and off it goes.
Totally worth the lindens.
Just don't!
Don't buy this tree. It looks ok but it's super old tech. When you rez in all you see is balls rather than a real object. This stuff used to be ok in 2004 but it's way old and ugly now.