G Geral

.:buddhabeats:. NEW Oaks 2012

.:buddhabeats:. NEW Oaks 2012


Throughout the major cultures of Europe the oak tree has been held in high esteem.
To the Greeks, Romans, Celts, Slavs and Teutonic tribes the oak was foremost amongst venerated trees, and in each case associated with the supreme god in their pantheon,
oak being sacred to Zeus, Jupiter, Dagda, Perun and Thor, respectively. Each of these gods also had dominion over rain, thunder and lightning, and it is surely no coincidence
that oak trees appear to be more prone to lightning strikes than other trees, whether because of their wood's low electrical resistance or the fact that they were frequently
the largest, tallest living things in the landscape.

The Druids frequently worshipped and practised their rites in oak groves (the word Druid was probably a Gaelic derivation of their word for oak, Duir, and meant men of the
oaks). Mistletoe, probably the Druids' most potent and magical plant, frequently grew on oak trees and its presence was believed to indicate the hand of God having placed it
there in a lightning strike.

All "2012 trees" are customizeable like no other .:buddhabeats:. trees!
Rescale them from bonsai size to huge tree giants - they will always fit your land.
Tint the leaves, add glow to make it match your color scheme perfectly.
The smart particle script inside will recalculate the particle size to always match the tree scale and foliage color!

These prim efficient oaks are made with care for a natural look. Foliage and trunk sculpts designed together for a perfect match!
No sculpts have been used in any other .:buddhabeats:. tree before and the foliage textures have been designed from scratch
to perfectly fit the tree.
This package includes two different trunk shapes to create variety with ease. A slim trunk looking like a young oak and a thicker stem
for a mature oak.

july 2012: the trees have been remodelled again to add more foliage colors, reducing prim count and enhance the overall look.

Of course this tree is friendly to your environment with efficient scripting and low lag!

  • contains 2 different shapes
  • 7 different leaf textures + bald branches via pop up menu
  • scaleable, tintable, glowable with the SL (tm) building tools
  • smart particle script - recalculates the size after rescaling the tree
  • custom sculpts and high resolution textures