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-db- Rockstar Princess Skybox_BOXED

-db- Rockstar Princess Skybox_BOXED

★For more pics, check out our latest blog entry:

This fully furnished bedroom skybox is perfect for any girl (or boi) looking to channel their inner ROCK STAR! Dazzle your friends with this contemporary set. Whether you're punky at heart or a diva within, this box is calling your name!

*Please Note: Individual pieces from this skybox will be available for sale very soon! Check DIRTY BOXES here on the Marketplace!

Some of it's features include:

»The colorful bed is more than comfy with Single and Couple animations (Cuddle and Make-Out). It's modify to allow buyers to adjust animations to their avatar or add their own animations.

»A laptop rests on the bed (mod/no copy/transfer). The owner can add their own textures to the texture changing piece. It contains 6 animations, three for girls and three for guys.

»The closet in this box would meet the approval of any diva or princess. It is surrounded by boudoir curtains and includes a section to hang clothing. There's a vanity area with a playful mirror and bench filled with cute animations. Accessories that can be held during the animtions are within the brush resting on the table. Clicking the nail polish bottle, nail brush & eyeliner pencils will change the colors!

»A rockstar guitar rests against a wall with an animation. Clicking on it will give the owner a guitar to hold during the animation.

»The desk has several animations such as computer, sleeping, and talking on the phone. A realistic cell phone rests on the desk that gives the user a copy to hold during the phone animation. Clicking it will even play a little song.

»The windowseat is the perfect place for any girl that likes to gossip and share secrets. Share your windowseat with a girlfriend or with that perfect boy to cuddle with.

»There is a guitar chair that supports 3 avatars. Find the perfect animation to lounge in the chair alone, or share it with your friends as you play a guitar and they watch! Clicking the pillow in the chair will give the owner a guitar to wear during the 'play guitar' animation. Click the guitar to play a little tune!

Your skybox can be rezzed easily using a REZZER that comes with your purchase. A few simple clicks and adjustments, and your skybox will be set up with NO headaches!All furniture is copiable except the Besta Cuddle/MakeOut Bed (Mod,Transfer) & Laptop Monitor(Mod, Transfer). These items are included separate from your REZZER & must be placed in your box individually. Your skybox can be rezzed fully furnished, or empty if you'd like. Instructions are included. None of the furniture pieces are nailed down to the skybox and can be removed at the discretion of the buyer.

This box has quality animations, textures and has lots of detail! See for yourself. Visit DIRTY BOXES -db- in world to see this box up close and personal:


All skyboxes are conveniently located within the Vendors.

In addition, if you like what you see or enjoy your purchase, please be kind and leave a review :) Join our group for updates and news! Check out our FREE Store Gifts in world or the SL Marketplace. DIRTY BOXES thanks you!

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So Freakin' Cute!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 28, 2012 by Marisela Richez

So I got this skybox recently hoping it would look like it did on the box, and it totally did! Loved the colors, and everything was well made. I had to contact the creator Taeja for help with something, and the customer service was great! I love my new little hangout that I can pick up and take anywhere. Hey, Taeja, if you see this, can you make a purple one?!

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